A Part Of My World

"Remind me to never to follow you to watch a movie again" Jeffery grumbled as Jane purchased the suya from a roadside seller. He kept grumbling about how someone might see him and make a news of it.

"And since when did you start caring about what people say so much?" Jane paid for their suya and Jeffery immediately started walking in the direction where he parked his car.

"Where are you rushing to?"

"To get into the car of course, or do you have other plans?"

"Aren't you going to taste the suya?" Jane opened it and took out one and tried feeding Jeffery with it.

"On the streets? You are not serious are you?" Jeffery looked like he could burst with embrassment any minute.

"Just open up first" Jeffery finally obliged her and ate the suya. "Now, tell me that is not one of the best suya you have tasted?"

"Well.. it's not bad" he replied as he chewed. If he was going to be honest, it was really nice. The spices marinated well into the beef.