Baggage Claim

Chapter Eighty-One

"Amaka, don't you think you should rethink this properly? For all you know, things might workout between you two"

"I don't like him. Period! Please let's change the topic"

"You are just trying to run away from the obvious"

"Which is?"

"You love Dele and you know it"

"Keep telling yourself that, abeg talk about something else because this topic is beginning to give me constipation"

"Amaka?" Jane moved closer to her on the bed and held her hands. "I don't want you to make the same mistake I almost made"

"Which is?"

"Fighting love. You like Dele, it's obvious even before he asked you out. Why don't you give yourself a chance to love? I mean, that is what you always tell me"

Amaka sat up on the bed resting her back against the headboard. "You know, if Dele had come to me with this proposal a month ago, I would have jumped at it, but right now my answer is no"

"But why?"