Strand Of Hope

Chapter Ninety-Two

"Who is Vivian?" Lauretha asked Jeffery who was pouring some whiskey for himself into a glass. 

"Whiskey, anyone?" He asked raising a glass to Dele and Lauretha.

"I will pass, thank you" Lauretha declined, Dele gave his consent by a raise of his hand. 

"Vivian was Jane's boss, and she wasn't too happy about our relationship when she found out about it" Jeffery passed a glass to Dele and then took a seat. "I'm sure you heard about the scandal two months ago, involving my ex and I?"

"Yeah I read about it sometime ago, what about it?"

"Vivian was behind it, she paid my ex to lie about our relationship status"

"Are you serious?" why did she do that?"

''Seemingly, she wanted me to date her niece instead of Jane''

''hmm I see, where can I find her?''