Hitting Rock Bottom

Chapter Ninety-Three

"What do mean by we have a son together? Are you joking or something?" Jeffery asked in shock, because he wasn't sure of what he just heard Lauretha say.

"We do have a son together Jeffery, I'm sorry I didn't tell you ever since" She tried holding his hands across the table, but he quickly withdrew his hands from the table.

"Wait a minute, I have a son with you? How? When?" Jeffery was clearly confused. Just when he thought his life couldn't get any more complicated, now she comes to tell him he has a son? Is someone out there playing some games with his life?

"After we graduated from high school, I discovered I was pregnant" Lauretha avoided Jeffery's eyes as she spoke.

"And the pregnancy was mine?" Jeffery's heart was racing fast, he was suddenly sweating even with the air conditioner being on.

"Yes of course, it was yours. Do you need even ask? You know we had unprotected sex severally when we were dating"