Hope In Sight

Chapter Ninety-four

"You know who is keeping Jane and Amaka? Who is that? Where is the person?" Jeffery who had passed out on his couch after he got back from the beach, was suddenly alert, he immediately sat up.

"I'm not so sure, but I have a nudge that Katherine might have a hand in their kidnap"

"You mean Katherine your niece?"

"Yes, I have been suspicious of her behavior for quite sometime now"

"Do you know where she could be keeping them?" Jeffery was already on his feet as he talked to Vivian. 

"I'm not quite sure, but I heard her making a phone call about meeting someone in a few minutes time, I will follow her to where she is headed and then find out if that's where she hid them"

"Alright, you do that and send me the address, I'm leaving the house now, so I can meet you up. Thank you so much Vivian"