Hope In Sight

Chapter Ninety-five

Jeffery had to clean his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Indeed it was Amaka who was standing in front of his gate for she called his name as he approached her. 

"Jeff..ery" her voice was a bit dry which it made quite inaudible.

"Oh my God Amaka it's really you" Jeffery quickly got to where she was standing and hugged her. "Where have you been? Where is Jane?" She whimpered in pain as he held her in the places she had injuries. 

"Oh sorry, are you hurt?" Jeffery held her on the shoulders as he examined her. 

"Just a little pain here and there" Her voice was so faint Jeffery could barely hear her.

"Come on, let's get you inside" he started to guide her back into his compound, that was when he remembered the man who has been standing behind Amaka quietly. 

"I'm sorry are you both together?" Jeffery asked referring to the man. 

"Yes, he is with me" Amaka said calmly to Jeffery.