You Don't Force Love

Chapter 105

Jeffery wasn't sure he heard her clearly, probably he didn't hear well. "What are you talking about?"

"You heard me, I think we both need a break from each other" Jane bent down and passed under his right arm, she didn't trust herself to still stick to her decision being too close to him. 

"I don't quite follow, babe what do you mean by we need a break?" He turned to look at her with sadness in his eyes. 

"Jeffery, I'm sorry but I need sometime to think, to think about us, if I still want to this. These past few weeks have been really something else for me"

"Baby I understand, I know how you feel but please don't leave me, don't leave us. I'm begging you please"

"No, Jeff you don't understand"

"Then make me, make me understand please..., I know those kidnappers must have hurt you but.."

"But what? But what Jeffery?, Tell me, but what?"

"Babe calm down you are shouting"