Love Is Selfless

Chapter 106

It's been two days since Jane left Lagos and came back to Enugu to be with her family. Since she arrived, her sister and her husband have been making sure she was comfortable, and had everything she needed. All she does is wake up, take her bath, eat, take her medications and rest. She wasn't allowed to do anything, not even sweep her room, her sister insisted she rests, and allow either her, or their house help to do the cleaning. 

She only spoke with Jeffery the first day she got here, to let him know she had arrived. And since then, they haven't spoken to each other. She told him she needed a break from everything, including calls, and he has been respecting that.

Amaka already told her about Martha and Sandra's involvement in their kidnap. She knew Jeffery was trying to hide it from her. She doesn't really blame him, she knew he must be feeling guilty over his housekeeper and secretary's involvement in her kidnap.