Back Together

Chapter 107

"Hello, who is this?" Jane asked in shock.

"Hello, you must be Jane, because I can see Jeffrey saved your number as bae"

"Yes I am, and who am I speaking with?"

"This is Josephine, Jeffery's cousin. I have heard so much about you from Jeffery, and I have been dying to speak to you"

"Oh, hi Josephine, good morning," Jane let out the breath, she didn't know she has been holding. ''Hope the things you heard about me are good things?''

''They definitely are, you are all Jeffery talks about''

"What are you doing with my phone, Joe?" Jane could hear Jeffery's voice at the background.

"I have finally spoken to her" the girl said gleefully.

"Hello" came Jeffery's husky voice.

"Hello Jeff"