No More Cookies

Chapter 109

Jane opened her eyes to find her right leg was thrown over Jeffery's body, and he had his left hand wrapped around her in a protective manner, the way he held her brought smile to her face. She used her fingers to trace his pouty lips as he slept. Most times she still can't believe that soon, this incredibly handsome, and caring man would become her husband, and she his wife. She wonders if their children was going to have his features or hers, were they going to start trying to have children immediately after they were married, or were they going to wait? This made Jane to frown because she and Jeffery hasn't even discussed the issue of children, how many were they going to have?

"And what could you be thinking about, that's making you frown your beautiful face?" Jeffery asked with a sleepy voice, his eyes half closed. 

"Good morning" Jane's fingers were still on his lips.

"Good morning, how was your night?" He sucked on her index finger.