The Wedding Still Holds

Chapter 110

"Mum, I still don't get your point, what are you trying to say?" Jeffery was in his mother's kitchen, trying to find out what she meant the other day, when she came to his place with her younger sister.

"The same thing I said yesterday, you can't marry someone you don't know where she is from"

"And I told you she is from Enugu state, is that not enough?"

"She is only claiming Enugu state, because of that man who helped train her in school, we want to know the exact place she is from, after all you said she was born in Kano, that's a good place to start looking"

"I still don't understand why you are doing this, after all, you were okay with Jane's situation, and it has never bothered you that she is an orphan. Why the sudden change of heart?"

His mother ignored him as she stirred the food she was cooking. "Please pass me the salt" she pointed to the salt container which was closer to Jeffery.