The Scare

Chapter 111

Jeffery paced the room as he waited for Jane to come out of the bathroom with the test results. What was keeping her, why was she taking so long to come out? He didn't know why, but deep down, he was wishing the result comes out positive.

Finally she came out with a test strip, and showed it to him. "it's negative" she said calmly. "I used four different test strips, and they all came out negative"

"Okay, so it was just a scare" Jeffery sat down on the bed. "Come sit down, you look so pale" Jane joined him to sit on the bed.

"Why are you so scared of getting pregnant?"

"I already told you, I want to be able to have started my own business, before having children" 

"Do you think, having children will make you not to be able to actualize your dreams?"