Secret Revealed (3)

Jeffery looked at Vivian as she spoke, if what she just told him was true, then there is a strong possibility, that she might be Jane's biological mother, because her story has many similarities, with what Jane told him about her growing up.

"So what do you want me to do?" He asked Vivian.

"I need a sample from Jane, to be able to have a DNA test conducted, please Jeffery, I know this might seem inappropriate, but please this is my only way of knowing if she is truly my daughter, or not. Please if you could provide me with her hair strand, or a tooth brush, please so the test could be done"

Jeffery thought about her request for a while, before making a decision.

"I will provide you with the needed samples, but I'm going to Lab with you for the test"

"No problem" Vivian was relieved with Jeffery's agreement to help her.