Being Hurt

The next morning Jeffery woke up before Jane, who still had her head on his chest, as she slept. 

They had both slept late last night, and he was still thinking of a way to stand up, without having to wake her, when his phone rang, making Jane stir as he picked his call. 

"Hello, Vivian good morning" 

"Good morning Jeffery, hope you slept well?"

"Yes I did" Jeffery answered politely, when in actual fact, he wanted to tell her, how her foolish idea of keeping something away from Jane, almost caused a problem between him and his wife.

"Thank God for that, please I need to see you and Jane this morning" Vivian's voice was panicky. 

Jeffery looked at Jane, who wasn't fully awake yet, he stood up and stepped out of the room to continue the phone call.

"Vivian what's up? You sound troubled"

"It's not something that can be discussed over the phone, I need to see you in person"