No Words Needed

Dele stopped in his tracks, was he seeing clearly, or was that not Amaka in the arms of another man, holding, and kissing her?. 

He had already booked a reservation in one of the most exotic restaurant in Victoria island, and he was coming to pick her up, so they could go have dinner, only to meet her in another man's arms. Probably he was hallucinating, so he cleaned his eyes, to make sure he was seeing properly. But the more he cleaned his eyes, the clearer the scene became.

They were yet to notice his presence, for they continued to kiss, unaware that someone else was in the office with them.  Until he cleared his throat, Making them to pull apart immediately.

Amaka was shocked to find Dele standing there, for a minute, she had totally forgotten that he was coming to pick her up. When did he come in? For how long has he been watching? These were the questions that raced through her mind, as she saw Dele staring at them.