It's Over

"How exactly, don't you want me to be,  Amaka? Tell me"

He looked at her, with so much pain and hurt in his eyes, waiting for her to say something.

"What do you even want from me? Why are you here? To make me believe I actually didn't see you kissing that guy, is that it?"

Dele gave out a sarcastic laugh, and carried his food to the dinning, and sat down to eat. 

Amaka sat down on a chair next to him. "Dele please I'm sorry"

Dele just kept stuffing noodles in his mouth, without bothering to chew, he just swallowed. He didn't feel like eating, he had no appetite, but he knew he needed to eat something, because of the amount of alcohol he had taken.

When he was done eating, he took his plate to the kitchen, and dumped it in the sink.

"Who was that guy?" He asked Amaka when he came back to the dinning. 

"He is my new boss"

"Hmmmm I see, so you have been having an affair with him since when?"