Going Back

Amaka sat still, wondering if she should go open the door or not. Why was Dele at her door by this time of the night? What could he possibly want from her? Or has he come to tell her, they can get back together? The thought of Dele saying this, made her heart to race fast.

She was still contemplating if to open the door or not, when her phone rang, he was the one calling.

"Hello Dele?" She answered with a shaky voice.

"Amaka I'm at your door, please open up" Amaka held the phone to ear, thinking of how to respond.

"Amaka are you there?" He asked.

"Yes, I can hear you, what was it you said?" She asked, just to be sure she heard him correctly the first time.

"I'm at your door, could you open the door for me? Please?"