Nothing Has Changed

They made love into the night, until they were both exhausted, and finally drifted off to sleep, in each other's arms.

The next morning, Amaka woke up to find

Dele sitting on her couch, watching her like a hen watching over it's chick. He was already fully dressed. 

She immediately became conscious of herself, grabbing the sheets to cover her naked self.

"Good morning" she greeted nervously, for the grim look on his face made her nervous. He looked nothing like the man who made love to her, in every way possible last night.

"I didn't want your door to be left unlocked when I leave, that's why I decided to wait for you to wake up, before leaving"

He was already walking to the door as he spoke.

"Dele wait" she stood up from the bed, abandoning the sheets, it was no use in covering what he had already seen anyway.