Seeking Help

Amaka didn't have Katherine's number, so she had to search for it on the company's WhatsApp group chat.

It took her almost thirty minutes of searching, before she found Katherine's number.

She copied it out, and dialed it, Katherine picked up on the second ring.

"Hi Katherine, it's Amaka"

"Hello Amaka, how are you?" 

Amaka could hear the excitement in Katherine's voice, she was obviously happy to be getting a call from her.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"I'm doing okay"

"That's nice, actually I need your help for something" she didn't see the need, in beating around the bush.

"Really? What is it?"

"I was actually hoping we could meet, to talk about it in person?" 

Amaka wasn't too sure if Katherine was going to accept to meet with her, considering the way she treated her the last time, when she came offering an olive branch to Amaka.

"Umm okay, how about this evening after work?"