From Frying Pan

Amaka had a suspicious look on her face as she watched Katherine, waiting for her to give her condition. Hoping she doesn't demand for something she wouldn't be able to do.

"Well the condition is that you will have to help talk to Jane" Katherine blotted out.

Amaka kept looking at her, not quite understanding what she wants her to talk to Jane about.

"So are you going to do it, or not?" Katherine asked.

"Going to do what?"

"Talk to Jane of course"

"And ask her to leave her husband for you?" Amaka asked with all seriousness.

Katherine choked on her burger, making her to cough. Amaka handed her, her own glass of water. 

"Thank you" she drank the water, and wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue.

"So I take that as no to my question?" Amaka asked.

"Of course not, why would I want you to ask Jane to leave her husband?"

Amaka stretched her hands, making an I don't know sign.