Clinging To Hope

"Where exactly did this happen?" the guy asked Amaka, after what seemed like eternity of him accessing her to know if she was saying the truth or not. 

"Down the other street" Amaka pointed towards the direction.

"Oh no, that's not good, that's the den of bad guys, we can't go there alone we will need help, come with me" the guy stretched out his hand and too Amaka's hand, and started walking back to the direction, he was coming from.

"Where are we going?" 

"There is a police station, not quite far from here, they should be able to help us"

By the time they got to the police station, the guy seemed to be well known by the police officers there, because they greeted him respectfully. 

He left Amaka at the counter, and went into the D.P.O's office. Few minutes later, he came out with three police men who accompanied them back to the scene, with a police van.