The Feeling Of Guilt

After Amaka had told Jane all that had happened, she had her bath, changed into the clothes Jane had given her, even if they were a bit overseized, they were still managable.

Jane prepare some breakfast for her, and after which, they both went back to the hospital to visit Dele.

Jeffery who had an early meeting at his office that morning, already left for work before Amaka got to the house.

On their way to the hospital, Jane called Anita and Michael to inform them of what had happened.

"Amaka you need to calm down, everything will definitely be fine" Jane said to Amaka who has been uncomfortably fidgeting with her feet, since she got into the car.

"You are going to have a nervous breakdown if you continue this way"

"Jane you won't understand, he is in this situation because he was trying to save me from those guys, I should be the one lying on that hospital bed, and not him, he didn't do anything to deserve what happened to him"