Welcome To The Welcome

Dele lifted Amaka's chin with his hand, looking into her eyes, seeing deep into her soul, she drew him towards her with her eyes, he bent his head, and slowly lay his mouth on hers which was already slightly slit open.

Amaka wrapped her hands around his neck, as she opened herself to him. She loves this man.

For a long time they kissed, and then breathing deeply, he looked into her eyes.

"I love you baby" he placed his forehead on hers. "I don't know what you did to me, because I can't get you off my mind, no matter how hard I tried"

"Hahahaha...I did nothing to you babe" Amaka threw her head back in laughter, with her hands still wrapped around his neck.

"Yes you did" he dropped feathery kisses on her neck, "and whatever it is you did, I don't want you to undo it, because I love loving you"

"Baby you are making me laugh"

"Hmmm, I love making you laugh" he kept kissing her neck, making her giggle.