Leopards Don't Change Their Spots

"Where is Jonathan, I thought you both were coming together?" Jeffery asked.

He is having a lunch date with his sister Erica.

It has become a norm, for Jeffery to always take her out, or at least pay her a visit once a week. This has increased the bond between them, as he has also convinced his family to give her their support in getting back with her husband.

For theI past three months, that they got back together, there has been no complaint from Erica, and neither has she shown any sign of being physically abused, or being unhappy in her marriage.

His Family hasn't relaxed yet, they still keep an eye on her, and are still observing Desmond too.

"He is with his father, they are staying back at home together, since Desmond is always not around, he is always trying his best to spend any free time he has, with Jonathan"

"How is he?"

"Jonathan? He is fine and...."

"I meant Desmond, how is he treating you? Does he still beat you?"