The Ones We Love

Erica could hear the sound of things crashing in her husband's room. She feared for the two men, for whichever of them has the upper hand, must definitely be beating the other to a pulp.

"Dele, Desmond! open this door!" She banged on the door. She feared if her husband has the upper hand, then he may kill Dele, considering he just recently got discharged from the hospital, with some broken bones.

How is she is going to explain this to her parents? That her husband whom they have been telling her to leave, has finally ended up killing her brother? She would never forgive herself if anything happens to Dele.

She continued to bang on the door, but none of the men came to open the door. Instead they kept crashing things in the room.

"Ithoro" she called Jonathan's nanny, who came running.

"Where is Jonathan is he is still sleeping?"

"Yes ma, I closed the door of his room so he doesn't wake up because of the noise"