Sharp Shooter

After they arrived at the hospital, Jeffery stayed with Jane in the delivery room, holding her hands, and encouraging her, telling her she could do it. And after three long hours of constant pushing, and screaming, Jane was delivered of two beautiful baby girls.

When one of the babies was placed in Jeffery's arms, he couldn't stop smiling and staring into her face.

He is now a father, this is his flesh, and blood, he took part in making this beautiful human. He didn't know he was crying, until a tear dropped on the cloth the baby was wrapped with. He laughed at himself as he wiped the tears away.

"Daddy doesn't usually cry, he is just happy to see you and your sister" he explained to the baby, who kept putting her fist in her mouth.

"Our girls are here, you did it babe" he whispered into Jane's ear, she smiled at him as she held their second daughter.