Wanting Closeness

After much argument and fighting over the air conditioner, they both finally fell asleep by midnight, with the air conditioner still on, and at it's lowest temperature, because Tunde refused to increase the temperature.

The next morning, Sophia opened her eyes to find Tunde dressed, and ready to go out.

"Hi, good morning" he greeted her, as he put on his sneakers.

"Good morning" Sophia sat up, making sure to cover her chest with the sheets. "are you going out?"

"Yes, I have some work meetings to attend this morning"

"Oh.. I see" Sophia doesn't know why, but she felt disappointed, that he wasn't going to spending the morning with her, it's not like they are on an actual honeymoon, coming here is only a facade, to make their parents, and everyone else not know that their marriage is fake. But deep down, she still wished they were going to spend some time together.

"Are you going to be gone for the whole day?" She asked.