Episode 2

"Aww!!" I awwed a little louder as he instantly flinched, going back, widening his eyes, falling on his knees.

"P-please don't kill me... I swear I was just checking if you were alive..." he cried out, squeezing his eyes shut as I furrowed my eyebrows.

'What the hell?'

"W-what?" I asked still not knowing what's going on with him.

"Noo.. it's okay... I'm not mad about that. D-don't cry" i walked close to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he jumped. I could see fear in his eyes in this dim light.

"Ah, we need light."

I turned on my flashlight that was in my pocket. Can't believe I forgot about it. Damn it! But I don't think we're gonna need it for so long cause it's almost morning.

"Hey now, you get up. Stop crying... sorry if I made you cry. I didn't mean to." I pulled him up by his ankle, making him sit on the sofa. 'Did I just apologised for nothing?'

"What's wrong?"

"Do you live here? Did I interrupt you?" Well I don't think so because the way he's dressed, the way he looks...

Why would someone like him would live in an abandoned place?

He didn't say anything. Only stared at me while crying his heart out.

"O-okay, probably I did... um.. I'll just leave." I turned around and was about to step outside but stopped when I heard him shouting.

"NO!!" He gripped on my shirt, pulling it back. I turned to him furrowing my eyebrows as he started sobbing.

'What the hell?'

"What's wrong with you?" I ask genuinely.

Again... silence...

"Stop crying. Why are you crying? And don't look at me like that- How am I suppose to help if you won't say anything?"

He didn't say a word. He let go off my shirt but his teary, puffy, puppy eyes are still locked on mine.

"Alright..." I let out a deep sigh before taking out my handkerchief from my backpack side pocket.

"I'm not really good at comforting people b-but... let's just calm you d-down f-first. Then we can talk." I said, wiping the tears off his face. His eyes are still on me.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.


I gulped, not able to look away from his eyes. They're so captivating and pretty, it made me want to cry.

A ray of sunlightcame through the broken window, greeting us 'Good Morning' as we both looked over then again looking back at each other.

'This is awkward'

He just won't stop crying and won't say anything and this is just making me feel more awkward. Maybe I'm being too annoying.

His tear drops sparkling in the sunlight. I can see him so clearly now... His skin is like glitter butter. The rising sun reflecting through his eyes. His cheeks are pink shedded for crying too much.

For a moment, he looked like an angel. I mean he always does and It's just making him look more pretty.


This boii... he has so many scars and cuts on his beautiful skin. All over his body. Did someone hurt him? But who'd even touch this Beautiful soft piece of art? How did he get hurt?

"Won't you say anything?"

"Am I the reason why you're crying?"

"Did someone hurt you?"

Dead silence, and that horrified stare.

"Hey" i mumbled, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you lost?" I tried for the ladt time and for the live of God, he finally responded with a tiny nod.

"Okay, good. Now let's get you out of here. Tell me where you live." I asked, letting out a deep sigh. He looked deep into my eyes as he stopped crying.


. . .



*knock knock*

"Honey!~ would you open the door?" She yelled from the kitchen.

"I can't I'm busy!!!" Hyuna yelled back as she rolled her eyes.

"Aish! This girl tho..." she sighed while cutting the vegetables.

"Wait mam. Let me check." One of the maid voluntary said.

*knock knock*

"Coming..." the maid rushed to open the door. And...

"Hello." Jimin and Dahyun bowed, shoting her a smile as she bowed back in response.

"We're Y/n's friend. Is she home?" Dahyun ask the maid.

"I... uh... please come in." She moved from the door, letting them in as stepmom walked in, slightly confused.

"Please have a sit" the maid said.

"Thank you" Dahyun reply to her.

"Who do we have here?~" she walked into the living room, wearing a smile on her face as they both bowed.

"Hello maam" Jimin said to her.

"You two are?" Stepmom asked.

"We're Y/n's classmate. She was absent in school today. Mr. Kim told us to vusut her. Is she okay?" Dahyun asked the stepmom with worried in her tone.

"Is she feeling sick? Can we see her?" Jimin ask her.

"No" she said. She snapped as their face turned all pale.

"I mean... she's not home sweetie. She actually went with my husband for some important work." She let out a slightly nervous laugh.

"Ah... okay. But you could atleast infrom the school" Dahyun said to her.


"What place is that? I never heard that name before... i don't think a place with that name, exists here in South Korea." I kinda like explain to him.

"It's not South Korea MoonMoon."

"Then where is it? America? Japan? China? In Asia?" I asked and he shot me a look as if he wants to die.

He shook his head before pointing up at the ceiling.

"This earphone is broken and i can't connect with them." He said as he hold out a blank and green strange looking earphone and a speaker infront of my face before throwing it away, somewhere in the dark.

"If I can't connect with them, I won't be able to-" before he could finish the line, he burst into tears.

'Not again...'

"I want to go home" he said crying, again.

"Hey hey... shh..." I patted his back, trying to calm him down but he started to cry louder.

"I don't know what you're talking about but, everything will be fine" i said with a smile to my face. I feel sad for him.

I took out an apple from my backpack and hold it infront of hus face as he stopped crying, looking at me, confused.

"We'll think about it later. Now here eat this and sit right here. I need to do something with the scars." I said, handling him the apple before standing up, looking the furst aid box in my backpack as he watched me, confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked, taking a bite from the apple.

"Ah found it!" I exclaimed, taking out the first aid box before walking towards him, kneeling down in front of him as he shot me a question look, chewing the apple in his mouth.

"What is this?" He ask.

"Never seen a first aid box before?" I asked while soaking a cotton pad in the liquid antibiotic as he analyzed every single thing.

"How did you get those scars? They're deep" as I changed the topic.

He didn't reply cause he was busy watching what I was doing. I finished soaking the liquid antibiotic and as soon as I pressed the cotton pad on his scar, he jolted, letting out a little whimper, backing away a little from me.

"H-hurts" he said said to me

"Don't worry. It'll hurt a little but when it hurts, it means the medicine is doing it's work" I explain to him.

"Doing it's work?" He ask.

"Mhmm~" I responded back.

"This thing is like a superhero who will fight the germs in your scars that's trying to infect it. The superhero will save you from getting infected. And when the superhero and the germs fight, it hurts."

"Come here... it just hurts for few seconds" i said to him.

He nodded before getting closer as I cleaned his scars, sticking bandaids onto them.


I shot him a question look after the clinging at the nickname.

'That's too cheesy lmfao I'm dying inside'

"Why do they fight?" He asks again.

"Because the germs are evil" I said to him, with a little funny devil look.

"Evil..." he said.


"Yeah?" I respond.

"You're a human right?" He asks again.

"Jeez s-stop saying creepy stuff... You're freaking me out. Do I look like an Alien to you? Or a witch?" I said while letting out a little laugh.

"My father says all the human are evil. He says they should be destroyed." He didn't responded to my question and kept saying weird stuff that's doing nothing but mindfucking me.

"You're a human. So does that mean that..."

"You're evil too?"

. . .

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

He didn't respond to my question. His eyes scanned my face for a second before he starter blabbling again.

"When I first hit the Earth, I really saw evil... these scars and marks. Those evil human did this. They eveb broke my device. Now I'm lost in this huge planet." He explains to me.

"But you..."

"No one ever treated me like this. You're not evil... I like you" he added.

"When I'll return home, I will tell them to cancel the mission. Because all humans are not evil. There's good people too. Just like you."

"What are you saying?" I ask with confused face.


"You're calling me that because I didn't tell you my name right?" I laughed, putting all my stuff back in the first aid box.

"Y/n... my name is Y/n" I added.

"Don't you like the name 'MoonMoon'?" He ask gently.

"We call those God's white fairies with huge wings. MoonMoon."

"Aaah you mean angels" i said to him.

"Mhmm~ because you're not a human. You're MoonMoon." His respond to me.

"I'm-" he cut my words.

"MoonMoon~ human are truly evil... right?" He asked me again.

"They're so mean" he added.

"Hyuna is so mean... right?" This question made me shook.

. . .


'My God'

'This is creepy'

"H-hey how do you know that? How the h-hell do you know Hyuna?" I ask confused but I'm feeling creepy right now.

He didn't reply. He only stared at the red mark on my face, judgung it secretly.

"Hyuna did that. Didn't she?" He asked again.

He stroked the marked area on my face with his soft hand. It felt like all the pain was gone.

"It's all okay now..." he said to me with a smile plastered in his face.

'It really is...'

He just healed it.

"How did you do that?! H-how do you know that... hey answer me. Who are you?"

"You're not going to believe me MoonMoon." He straightly replied to me.

"...um.. I f-f-forgot. I have school... b-bye." I jumped up, grabbing my backpack and was about to run outside but he stopped me.

"You don't have to go school today" he said, looking up at me. I turned around, shoting him a confused look as he continued.

"Jimin and Dahyun went to your house cause you are absent. And your stepmom told them that you're gone overseas with her husband. Now you're school knows it. If you go there, they'll ask you a thousands of questions" that made me more shock.

". . ." -me

"You know what? I think I'm gonna faint... I mean... WHAT THE HELL-" I literally screamed as his eyes widened, going backwards which caused me to shut up instantly.

"S-sorry" the only answer he give to me this time.

"How did you know all these?!" I ask.

"I s-studied you. Everything about you." He respond.

'No way'

"You what?!... seriously.. what the hell are you?" I ask him again cause at this time I'm feeling so creep out.

"If I tell you who am I, will you believe me? I reall hope you will... I believe in you too. I wouldn't tell you anything about me because my father told me not to tell anyone who I am... But if I told you, it means I trust you MoonMoon. But you didn't take me seriously since the time we met." He explains to me.

"But... but... how can I believe? I still can't believe! This is so unreal" i said to him, trying to calm my nerves down.

"These is why I had to show you some things that a human can't do. Those firefly looking things that you chased last night... do you not remember those? Can a human make such a things like that?"

'Oh shit. I forgot about those... why didn't I thouught about it before? Well, it's not my fault. His angelic face made me forget everything. And by the way, he has a point tho. Now I'm starting to believe that whatever he's saying is true.'

"Okay, I believe you. But why were you making those?" I ask to him.

"I was trying to send them my location. I was hoping they'd be able to notice those lights but it didn't work." He explains to me.

"I don't know who you're talking about but that's foolish. What if someone else would see you? I mean someone evil? You could be in trouble too" i explain to him too

"Why?" He asked me.

"Because... as you said, you are not from this planet. And capable to do magical things. If anyone would find you that way, they might cut you open and do research on you"

His eyes widened and face turned all pale as soon as he heard that.

"No... that's scary-" he said terrifiedly.

"DON'T YOU DARE CRY AGAIN... *huff* ... you're safe now. Don't worry" -me

"I am?" He ask confuzzled.

"Uhmm~" my respond.

"What the hell are you anyway? Do you all look just like us?" I changed the topic.

"Yeeee." His respond to me.


"I'm the current Prince of Macatophia. I'm also known as the 'Moon Prince'. All the Moons of Firmanent listens to me. They never wake up until I command them"

"😶😶😶" ....

"Wow... that sounds un- BUT I BELIEVE YOU" My answer to him.

"What languages do you speak? Do you all speak different languages?" I ask to him.

"We do speak different languages that you might never heard of. But we don't talk too much. We just think to each other. We communicate with each other like that. I speak all the languages that people on Earth use. I learned them before hitting Earth." He explains to me.

'Dang Bro, he is smarter than me *sobs in korean* (just kidding)'

"Then why don't you think to your parents or someone there and tell them where you are."

"I can't do that...anymore. Because Earth has it's own network which is blocking me to send the information. It's just not working. And my device is broken too. I just can't find any other way." He saids to me sadly.

'I feel bad for him. He don't deserve this, his too... precious'

"I could fly home if I weren't in my human form. But I can't because Earth is so magnetic. And I can't change to my real form until I get out of here." He explained to me again the other reason.

"What do you mean by human form? You just said you people look just like human being" i said to him, starting to get a little tiny bit confused.

"We do. But a little bit different. We're kindaod transparent. We can fly. Because when we're in our actual form, we have zero weight that help us to keep balance with the air"

"I-i just need to wake up..."  i said to him.

. . .

"See? You just don't believe me. You think I'm-" i cut his seriousness.

"Gosh! I'm just joking" i said to him while chuckling.

"You're not" he said. That made me stop.

"Seriously though... you healed my bleeding nose. How can I not believe you?" I giggled nervously as he kept pouting at me.

"I really do believe you... I mean it... I'm sorry" i said to him with my apologizing tone.

'He looks so cute when he pouts'

"I forgive" he said and smile to me.

"By the way, you never told me your name. Do you have one?" I change the topic by asking his name.


"It's Taehyung" he replied.

"Kim Taehyung" he added.