-Y/n POV-
'Where the hell am I suppose to find the god damn old cabin?'
'I should have left a sign or something... I think I lost it'
I've been roaming around in this forest for almost an hour now and my legs are sored.
"M-moon!!!" A voice yelled as I turn to it instantly, seeing a figure in the distance.
He ran towards me in a blink of an eye and before I knew it, his arms wrapoed around my neck tightly, burrowing his face into my chest as we both fell to the ground, my stuff hit the ground.
"W-where have you been? Why did you left me?" He cried out, embracing me tightly, his tear drops soaking into my chest.
"Urgh!! Get off me! You're heavy, I can't breathe!!" I pushed him off, trying to catch my breathe as he wipped his tears before looking at me, slightly confused.
"I thought you knew everything." I chuckled while picking up all my stuff.
"I can't always check on you... you have privacy Moon" he mumbled before pushing himself off the ground as I got up, cleaning the drift off my cloth.
"Store" he look at me still confused.
"I went to the store when you were sleeping. I didn't wanted to wake you... but when I got back, I couldn't find the old cabin. I think I lost it"
"You know where is it right?" I ask him with a chance that he knew where is it.
"Mhmm~" he replied.
"That way" he turned around, pointing somewhere random.
"Well, let's go there then... I bought food" i held the bag of food in the air as he let out a tiny giggle.
"Should we inform the police?" Stepmom asked her daughter.
"Mom!~ stop worrying about her already she's alright okay?" Hyuna said to her mom.
"What do you mean she's alright?" Her mother ask confusedly.
"She's missing since that day she left this house. She's not even going to the school. I can't lie to them for any longer honey"
"But moma it's been only three days" Hyuna said to her mother, and that made her mother stop for a second.
"And there's no sign of her..." her mom's continue
"She's alright don't you worr-"
"How are you so sure about it honey? What if she's in some danger?" -mom
"I just--"
"Enough" her own mother cutted her words.
"I have to inform the police" her mom said.
"Mom" -Hyuna
"Wait a little longer, will ya? I'm sure she will come back. She gets homesick often. I'm sure she will come back soon or later" Hyuna said to her mom so she can calm down.
-Y/n POV-
"Don't worry it's all gonna be fine..." he suddenly started to pat my head after placubg his cup of noodles onto the ground as I shot him a confused look.
I couldn't speak with my mouth full of noodles. My eyeballs would come out any minute. I don't understand him...
'Is he okay? The fuck.'
He noticed me freaking out and quickly removed his hand off my head. His lips pressed to each other as he grabbed his cup again, taking a mouth full of noodles from his cup.
"W-what was that?" I ask him.
"Nothing... s-sorry. It's just you were thinking of your moma"
"What? How did you k- oh... well never mind" my answer to him.
'I almost said it again... *sighs*'
"You miss her, don't you? I miss my momma too..." he said to me with a half sweet and bitter smile.
He remained silence for few seconds before starting again.
"Coconut" he snapped, playing with the noodles without making any eye contact, causing me to choke on my noodles.
"What?" I ask puzzled.
"Your mom" he replied.
"Is a coconut" he added.
Did he just try to tell a joke? Should I laugh?... but he isn't showing any emotion. I don't uderstand this boy.
"Hyuna...is...umm an Avocado..." he paused for a second before finally lifting his gaze up at me.
"And you?" He asks.
"Hmm let's see..." he continues
"Ah... you're a strawberry"
'Wait, what? I don't get it'
"Ah okay? I d-"
"Now, mull it over your mind for a moment MoonMoon... what do you think about coconuts?" He asked.
" . . . " -me
"A coconut is so hard right?" He asked loud enough for me to hear as I responded with a tiny nod.
"But on this inside, it's so soft and sweet..."
"Just like you stepmom. She seem to be so mean all the time but if you look inside, she's so sweet and soft for you. Just like a coconut" he explained.
"Tell me. What do you think abour an Avocado?"
"Soft outside but hard inside" i respond to his question.
"And... how does it taste?"
"Tasteless?" I ask unsurely.
"Noona is actually mean if I say... she's good at acting nice to people sometimes. Also, avocados are healthy. So she's not that bad" He explains to me.
"Now let's move to Strawberries" a tiny smile appeared on his lips as he scanned my face.
"Strawberries are soft inside, soft outside"
"They literally goes with every desert" he added.
"The definition of sweetness"
"They're healthy, smells so beautiful, tastes good. Everyone likes strawberries" he explains.
"And to me" he passed for yawn.
"Strawberries are the most beautiful fruit on this planet"
-Dahyun POV-
He lifted his gaze up at me from his phone, leaning his back against the wall as I offered him a smile. He smiled back, showing his phone in his pocket.
"Hey" he responds
"Waiting for her?" I simply asked as he hesitated for a moment before responding with a little nod.
He waits for her here, at the same place, every single day so that they can walk to school together.
"But it's almost time" i said to Jimin.
"Maybe she's again skipping today... Y/n never runs late for school. I think she's not coming school today" i said to him.
"Come on now... you're gonna run late for school if you keep waiting..." i explained as he hesitated for a moment before nodding, dragging himself towards me as we started to walk.
The gloomy surface on his face... he looked down at the ground as he walked, stucking his bottom lip out. He didn't look happy at all.
"You really like her so much, don't you?" I ask him again.
"I do... but-"
"It's all your fault you know..." i said to him
"You knew she likes you right? You wouldn't have ignored her like that. I-I think she misunderstood... she's a good friend of mine and I don't want her to hate me because of you" i explains to me.
"I was nervous... I still am though..." -he respond
"You should talk to her and spend time with her more than you do with me. Just like you used to... she's your best friend after all"
"Things will change by itself" i said to him.
-Y/n POV-
'Shit! I'm late! I'm probably not gonna make it in time.'
'He fell asleep... Now I can go to school...'
'I hope he won't look for me when he wakes up. Is he going to be okay? I hope so... I left food and everything he needs there.'
I huffed in frustration as I ran faster.
'What is this sound?'
I stopped running for a moment to hear that clearly.
'The sound is gone'
I scoffed before starting to run again. I don't have time to think about it right now...
But then I heard the sound again, causing me to stop in my tracks. I let out a deep sigh before turning around.
"For the love of God, please don't follow me to school" i said to him.
"But I want to go" he said poutly.
"No, you can't go to school with me... what the-"
"Pleaseeeeee?" He said to me as he put his puppy eyes.
"I promise I won't do anything stupid and I will do whatever you say." He told sternly, looking at me with his best puppy eyes, pouting like a baby. But HELL NO. I'm not falling for that!
"No" i said to him straightly.
"Pleaseeeee?" Then again...
"NO. Why would I take you to my school with me?" I ask him
"Why not?" He ask me back.
"Look, that's the only request I can't fulfill. I'm just going to school. I'm not leaving permanently. I'll be back, I promise" i explained to him
"And I promise I will take you to the market next time. Sounds good?" I deal with him.
'Please God make him agree'
He didn't respond. He only stood there, sticking his bottom lip out more.
"But... I wanna go with you. Why can't I go with you?" He ask again.
'Oh God... how do I explain? I'm gonna be late for sure if I waste my precious time here, explaining shits'
"You can't go to school unless you're a student. Now, please go back and let me go"
I didn't waste time. I ran as fast as I could from there, leaving the pouty boy behind. It surely hurts to leave him like that but I can't take him to my school.
In school...
"I thought you wouldn't come today. Where the hell have you been?" Ask Dahyun.
"Didn't momma told you? I was with dad" i answer her
"Now, help me with my homework. I'm gonna die if I don't finish it before Mr. Kim comes"
"You can copy mine" she passed her notebook towards me as I took out mine.
"Thanks. I couldn't get time to f-" as i open my notebook.
'What the fuck!'
"F-f-finish it" i continued.
'This can't be...'
'My homework is right there...'
'I don't remember doing my homework last night... I wonder if Taehyung- but it's my handwriting'
"What happened? Hurry up-"
"Y-you know what? I don't need it... I forgit I did my homework. S-sorry haha" i nervously handed her notebook, checkung my other notebooks and holy shit! All the homeworks are already done. And it's all my handwritings.
I quickly shoved all my notebooks as soon as the bell rang and Mr. Kim entered with his regular sassy mood.
"Wow... what's with that strange behavior?" I ask them and myself
"Can't you see he's happy?" Jungkook asked me.
"I asked why stupid" i respond to him.
"A bunch of students from our school complained about him to professor Kim for cursing in class and teaching children bad languages, hoping that he'd fire him" Dahyun answered both of us
"And what happened? Didn't he-"
"Aren't his words enough to tell you what happened?" Jungkook cut my sentence.
"The principal didn't fire him. He said he's not gonna fired him for a silly excuse" he added.
"He also told'em not to bring any complains about him. He's not gonna fire Mr. Kim anyway. No one knows why... And there he is kicking our ass with those words." She explained as I nodded looking at him blabbing about things I don't want to hear.
I can't hear anything... I can't concentrate on anything. Because of him. The magical giant baby. I can't get him out of my head even if it's for just a second. I feel like I'm in a dream since the moment I met him.
'What the hell is happening to my life?'
No one ever treat me like that... He turns to Earth into Heaven. He turned my whole world upside down. A strange and gorgeous creature. I adore him. And right now, I want to be with him... I want to go back there.
I hope he doesn't hate me for leaving him all alone there. What if he's crying alone or lost in that forest? I hope nothing bad happens with the little.
"Alright class-!" Mr. Kim suddenly changed his expression from a sassy ass childish being to a manly, bossy teacher, clearing his throat, fixing his glass, eyeing every single one in the class in pure disgust.
I wonder why some students hates him... I mean he does act like a sassy child and use bad languages sometimes but at the same time, he's so friendly and brilliant. He does his job perfectly. And he's one of my favorite teacher.
"So, we have a new student today. Isn't that Great?" He said excitedly.
"Alright, I forgot. Piece of shuts are always piece of shits..." he again eyed everyone in the class in disgust. I immediately looked down at my desk as soon as I made eye contact with him. It's awkward to make an eye contact with the teachers.
"You can come in" he commanded to the new kid as everyone fell silent for a moment...
Suddenly the class gasped and started murmuring as I felt the new presence in our class. I didn't look up. I don't want to... I just want to cry. I can't stop thinking of the little. My poor angel, I hope he's okay.
"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Ask Mr. Kim to the new student.
My heart dropped in my stomach as soon as I heard that voice, causing me to shoot my head up to look over. I felt like I was punched in the stomach as my glance landed on thw beautiful familiar face.
"I'm Kim Taehyung"
"And I'm from another planet" he continues.