Episode 4

-Y/n POV-

'Lord... what the fuck have I got myself into...'

I found myself a living super glue.

The whole class is been laughing for two god damn minutes while this idiot keeps smirking at me, standing there with his arms crossed.

'Bitch how the fuck did he even manage to get in here?!'

"Okay that was a nice joke but not in my level. Now ya'll flocks can shut the fuck up. That wasn't that funny anyway" Mr. Kim said in a serious tone but no one in the class stopped giggling which caused him to grab a fuster from the shelf.

"Can't you hear what I just said you deaf asses!! SHUT UP! If I hear a single sound come out from any of your mouth, I'm gonna shove this duster down your throat. I mean it. And I'm not gonna get fired for this" he said to all of us.

He yelled, helding the duster up in the air, causing everyone to shut up instead. I looked over Taehyung who already move five feets away from him. It looked like his eyeballs were about to come out. It looked like he was fighting back his tears.

"And you there" he pointed at Taehyung, making him freeze. I saw his adam apple move as he gulp, turning to Mr. Kim

"Don't make such jokes again in my class okay? I'm forgiving you, because you're new here" he patted his shoulder as he nodded in agreement.

"You can go sit beside Yoongi" He said pointing at Yoongi who was already in his dreamland. Sleeping peacefully, totally ignoring the world. But Taehyung only stood there, screwing his face.

"What's wrong?" Ask by Mr. Kim to Taehyung.

"But I wanna sit there. Next to MoonMoon" he complained, pointing directly at Jimin's seat who instantly shot me the weirdest look as possible. I quickly looked away.

'Oh God, what the fuck are you doing Taehyung?'


Now the whole class is making weird facial expressions because of that. I quickly burried my face in my desk when I felt my cheeks burn in frustration.

'This is hella embarrassing. What the hell is he thinking?'

"No, this is my seat. You can't take my se-"

"Detention" Mr. Kim said to Jimin.

"Excuse me, WHAT?!" He said suprised.

"Consider yourslef lucky that I didn't throw the duster at your face. Did I not tell you to shut up?! Did I tell you that I'm gonna let him take your seat?" Mr. Kim said to Jimin.

"But I-"

"You got me fucked up. How dare you speak in my class without my permission? Lose your seat, Now. Go seat beside Yoongi or you will have detention for three God damn weeks. This is your punishment." Mr. Kim said to Jimin, with controlling his anger.

"Bitchy ass" Jimin mumbled as he got up, grabbing his backpack. But gladly Mr. Kim didn't hear him.

He walked up to the empty seat beside the sleeping Yoongi, shoting Taehyung a death glare who gave him the most devilish smirk as possible, admiring his victory over occupying Jimin's seat.

"And you. What the fuck are you still waiting for? Go take your sit. Don't waste my time" Mr. Kim slightly pushed Taehyung from the back as he nodded, quickly rushing towards the seat.

I saw the girl from the other side of the desk, turning red, blushiing like crazy as he seat on his seat happily, thinking she's the Moonmoon he was talking about. WOOOOW.

"And so, "Fuck" goes with blah blah blah blah...

But if you remove the object blah blah blah blah the new sentence will be like blah blah blah blah blah..." -Mr. Kim

'Damn it'

"S-stop staring. I can't focus" I whispered loud enough for him to hear but who gives a shit?

"This is boring. I want to go outside. Can't we go outside? Let's go outside." He grabbed my wrist, but before he could get up, I jerked my hand away.

"Are you crazy?! Shut up and be patient if you don't wanna get hir by a duster. I told you not to come here. Why did you come here? You- O-ohh!!!" I said to him.

"Attention!" Mr. Kim cut me off by throwing a duster at me but gladly I dodged it, causing it to hit Dahyun's arm who sat behind me.

"Oww!!" -Dahyun

"Sorry Dahyun, I had to protect my face" i said to Dahyun with the best apology.

"E-evil human" he murmured, widening his eyes as he looked at Mr. Kim pouting who turned the board to explain those grammar shits again.

Mr. Kim Seokjin is our Korean Teacher. He thinks putting swearing words as examples, makes it a lot easier and memorizable. Well, he isn't wrong tho, it really helps us to learn faster. But for now, he should stop. Please God... I hope he doesn't know the meanings of these words.

"So... now if we use 'Bitch' as subject, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..."

-Mr. Kim

"MoonMoon? There's no such examoles written in thw text book. He's using meaningless words?" Taehyung asked me.

"I don't understand what he's saying. Do you understand what he's saying?" He added his questions.

"Don't worry. I'll explain to you that later. With a clean version. You'll understand... Now, shut up and let me focus" I said to him.

"Alright now folks-! Time to learn some new swear words. Repeat after me" Mr. Kim grinned eyeing everyone.

'I think the fuck, not. Shut up Y/n'

"A for Asshole~

B for Bitch~

C for Cunt~

And D for Dic--"

. . .

"Alright... so, that's all for today. Ya'll better be understood. Don't forget to bring you homeworks. See you tomorrow, Fucks!" He said to us.

"Fucking HATE kids!" He scoffed before rushing out of the class, slamming the door shut behind him as everyone sighed in relief.

"Evil is gone" Taehyung said to me.

"Let's go home now MoonMoo-"

"Okay everyone... be quite. I'm not in a good mood today so you you better behave. Now, grab your pens. Hurry up" Ms. CL brust in through the doors like a diva as evryone fell silent. Only the sound of her high heels can be heard.

The whole class filled with cries and whimpers as she started to pass the papers. But there's one person seem to be really happy about it. Well, not because of the sudden quiz test she's about to take. But because it's 'her' class.


"Hot" yoongi whispered.

He whipped his sleepy head in a sudden burst of energy and excitement once Ms. CL entered the class.

"MoonMoon, who is she?"

"Why is she here?"

"What is she gonna do?"

"School is over right?"

"Aren't we going home noe MoonMoon?"

He ask, and whimpered. Looking at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"Five more classes left" I simply said and he looked like he wanted to die.

"What? Nooo... I don't like this. This is torture" he whined.

"School's other name is hell. And... no one asked you to come here. You entered hell by yourself. No suffer" I said to him while smirking.

"I thought... You'd be happy" he looked down in disappointment, sticking his bottom lip out.

'I'm happy... really happy. But I also don't want hum here. For good reasons.'

"You have fifty minutes" Ms. CL said to all of us.

"Ready?" She ask us.

"Now start writing"

"Yoo this is the hardest question I've ever seen in my god damn life" Jungkook held the paper, scanning it with such annoyance on his face before pocking Dahyun with his pen.

"Hey Dahyun, let me copy yours  I didn't study. I will buy yo ice cream" he said to Dahyun.

"I swear to God this is the worst day of my life. I wasn't ready. Yoongi quit staring at her... help me out for fuck sake. Please... moma will break my ass if I fail this time" Jimin said to himself.

I solved only three questions while I heard him say "done" before putting his pen down, leaning his back against the chair.


'Bitch it's been only 20 minutes and he didn't even study... what the hell?. Is he serious?' I ask myself

"MoonMoon..." he called me.

"What now? Done? Sit in patient and be quite-"

"I wanna pee..."

"What do I do?" He ask me.

"Then ask her to let you go outside" i respond to him.

"H-how do I ask her? What do I tell her?" He ask me again.

"Ahh... just call her and show her your point finger. DON'T hold out 'any' other finger. Not even by accident." I explain to him.

"Why?" He asked me again.

"Ugh... just do it" i told him.

"O-okay" he respond to me.


"Why do you still have the gurs to play with my tem anyway? I don't fucking get it" Mark said.

"What're you being so happy for? You and your whole team cheated. And everybody knows it." Hoseok said to him. He scoffed, making him chuckle as he shook his head.

"Well of course. At least that's the only excuse you have right now. Nice try sunshineeee~" Mark exclaimed in a nefarious tone making Hoseok burst in anger as he clinched his jaw, shoting him a death glare.

"Awww look!~ the baby is sulking~~" he teased in attempt to touch his face but Hoseok quickly slapped it away.

"Don't forget it was just a practice for the finale-"

"And you couldn't even make it. Imagine what's gonna happen to the finale. I'd love to see you lose again." He grinned as Hoseok clinched his fist but hide  his anger with a sweet smile.

"Mark my words. I'm gonna win the finale." Hoseok winked before walking away, Mark scoffed by his reaction.

"Awww... baby you did great. I'm so proud." Hyuna walked up to him with a smile, wrapping like a mini towel.

"Thanks babe~" he adopted a smile, wrapping his arm around her tiny waist as he placed a little kiss on her neck, making her giggle.

"I've heard your 'precioys' little sister is back..."

"What?" She slightly pushed him away, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Shh don't be mad. I'm suprised too" Mark said.

"See you after school" Mark flicked her forehead before walking out there. Leaving the sulking girl behind.

"So she has come back ha?" Mark murmured as he walked down the hall, looking down at his feet.

Imagining you again in his grip. Helpless, scared, angry. The sudden thought of you hit him like a giant brick as a tiny smirk appeared on his face.

But soon his smirk faded away when he felt two arms around his nexk and a huge weight on his back, stopping him on his track.

"Hey human" ...Taehyung...

"Fu-" he blowed in his ear, sending several shivers down his body, making him flinch.

"Urghh!! What the fuck! Who's this?! Get off me! I will punch you in the face!" Mark yelled, spinning aroung, trying to get thw boy off him.

"Weee~~! This is fun.. Faster! Spin Faster!" Taehyung giggles, tightening the hug as he kept blowing in his ear.

"Get off! Get the fuck off! I'll kill you I swear! Get off me now!" Mark demand Taehyung bursting his anger while saying those words.

"Fu~ fu~ fu~ fu~ fu~ fu~ fu~" as Taehyung blow again on his ear.

"Urgh!! Stop it!! GET OFF!" Mark exclaimed to him.

"Ayeee human~~ don't be mad. Come one, help me out." Taehyung wiggled around, resting his chin on his left shoulder, making him freeze.

"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me. NOW!!!" Mark yelled thw last word, clinching his jaw. But Taehyung only giggled, making the boy more frustrated.

"If you hurt me, I will tell the principal. The princip will tell your moma. Now imagine what your mom will do to you... she's not sweet when she's mad mhmmmhmhmh~" he whispered in his ear making him clinch his fist.

"Who the hell are you? Get off me." Matk demand to him again.

"Uhh-uh!" He hesitant.

"Get off" then again.

"Nuh-uh." V hesitate again.

"Get off" Mark demand again.

"Uhh-umm..." -Taehyung

"Okay I give up" Mark let out a deep sigh.

"What the fuck do you want?" He ask to Taehyung.

"I lost my classroom. Lead me to my class pleaseeeeee~" He said to Mark.

"Fine, I will help you find your class. Now get off me first" Mark  respond to him.

"I don't wanna walk. Carry me to MoonMoon pleaseeeeee~ I'm tired." Taehyung yawned, wrapping his legs around his waist tightly, feeling a little secure.

"Hello no! What the hell?! Everyone will thinkIt'm gay. Get the fuck off." Mark said to him.

"No one will say anything to you. They're gonna love you. Come on~ it's good to help others" His respond to him.

"Fu-" Taehyung again blowed in his ear, making him shiver.

"Ugh!! I swear I'm gonna-"

"I will tell the principal" He cut his words by threatening him.


"Urghh!!!" -Mark


"Are you gonna shut up!?" Yoongi asked the sobbing boy eith such an annoyed tone who cried his heart out, leaning close to the sink.

"I tried my best Yoongi.." Hoseok said to him.

"Aaand you lose again? Chill it's just the practice" Yoongi explain to him.

"I told him that I'm gonna win the finale. I couldn't even win in the damn practice." He sigh defeatedly

"Now it's haunting me" hoseok added.

"What if I lose again in the finale Yoongi?" He asks.

"What if-"

"You're gonna win the finale." He cut him off.

A serious expression painted on his face as Hoseok stopped sobbing, turning to Yoongi, slightly confused.

"Because, in the finale..."

"I'm gonna play in your team" he added.

-Lunch Break-

'Where the hell is he?'

I looked around, eyeing every single familiar and unfamiliar faces. But there is no a single sight of him.

He didn't come back after he went to pee pee. He even skipped the history class.

I hope he's not in trouble.

Now I'm starting to worry...

'Maybe I should-'


"H-hey" i thought it's him... but it's Jimin.

"Sitting alone as always? Why don't you join us?" He pointed at the other table where I saw Dahyun, Jungkook, waving at me with little smiles on their faces.

'What's wrong with him? He never offers me to have lunch with them. He barely talk to me'

"I... uh... thanks... b-but I'm good ha ha..." I awkwardly said as I laughed nervously. He let out a deep sigh and nodded when he noticed the worried expression on my face.

"Waiting for someone?" He suddenly asked before sitting on the chair infront of me. I only stared at him blankly. 'Should I tell him? Why would I tell him?'

I simply shook my head, unable to make eye contact with him. Only god know what magic he has in those eyes. They make me nervous and uneasy. A single stare of him haunts me for days.

"So, who is he?" He ask me.

"Who?" I asked back.

"The new guy... Seems like you know each other" he responded.

"Why do you ask? He's a-"

I got cut off when Tae suddenly appeared in front of the table out of nowhere, holding a huge tray in his hands and an empty wate bottle in his mouth.

He looked at me for a second before switching his gaze to Jimin.

Then again at me

Then again at Jimin.

He placed the tray onto the table before popping the empty bottle out of his mouth, throwing it in the trashcan.

He scanned the confused boy in front of me before suddenly sitting down next to Jimin on the same row seat.

He slowly staryed to push Jimin with his bum bum until Jimin's body hit the floor.

"H-hey!! What the hell dude-!" Jimin shouted to him

"Ooops! Sorry... but this seat belongs to me" Taehyung respond to him, with shock expression to his face.

"Go sit somewhere else. With 'your' friends.: he said grinning, pointing at the table whre Jungkook and Dahyun were having lunch.

Jimin's expression turned to anger as he clinched his fists, narrowing his eyes towards Taehyung.

I saw Jimin nod, furrowing his eyebrows before giving me a last glance as he stood up, fixing himself, walking away here.

He didn't look happy at all. Now I feel bad. 'What the hell is wrong with Taehyung anyway?'

"R-rude, why would you do that to him?" I questioned him

"Ignore him MoonMoon" he said to me with a straight face.

"Let's eat" he added with a smile on his face.