Chapter 2

It was late in the afternoon a couple of minutes before the lesson ended and he could go home. Ian had found himself staring out the class window his mind continuously zoning in and out of lectures. It's been like this for a couple of days now. He no longer felt anything for school at times. He graduated high school not too long ago and now what was left was college. He's been here for a year and a half. And as far as he could tell nothing was different from his student years.

He sighed hearing everyone pack up there bags the sound of pencils falling, papers crumbling, and notebooks combining echoed loudly through out the classroom. He looked down at his notebook to find it completely blank, again.

Nothing to serious right, I'll just make it up next time. That's what he thought but was that the same for his professor. "Mr. Louse hang back I want to talk to you."

'Of course you would.'

His previous thoughts were nothing but complete wishful thinking. Or course his teacher would notice that he wasn't paying attention at all this period. The perks of being the 2nd smartest in the classroom.

But it wasn't an issue being that Ian complied, choosing to stay back and wait for everyone to leave before packing his bag and approaching the front of the class. "Yes, Mr. Flynn."

"Was my lecture this afternoon too boring for you, that you decided you wouldn't do my work?"


"No Mr. Flynn."

"Then what is it. What held you up from focusing in my class." He asked looking up at his student as he took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm very curious to know why one of my smartest students in all of my classes decided to stop handing in work." He furrowed his eyes trying to read Ian's facial expression. "It's not like it's your first time today it's been happening all this week. Are you okay? Is something wrong, anything bad happening at home that I should know about?"


"No?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ian nodded. "I'm fine."

"You're fine." He chuckles softly slowly nodding his head along to Ian's words. "That's good. So what is your reason for being distracted? Do I have to call your parents?"

'Parents? What parents?'

"No Mr. Flynn."

"No?" He now raised both of his eyebrows. "Is that the only word you know right now. Ian Louse you do know I have high standards for you. You can't just be acting as you please anymore. Your 18 going on 19 one of the youngest geniuses in our college. Your future is very bright." Is it now? Ian wanted to roll his eyes so bad and tell his professor that he had no idea what he was talking about. He wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. For some reason out of all the teachers in the college he could never bring himself to fake anything in front of him, a smile, an emotion, his words. Nothing.

That's why he stood with a blank stare in front of his teacher and answered honestly. "I know all of this. It isn't much of a big deal if I make it up before Friday."

"Make it up." Mr. Flynn laughed in amusement. "Make it up? Since when did you ever start thinking this way. You're always handing in work early before it's done. Now your thinking about handing it in late. Knowing points on your grade and project score will be greatly reduced. That's not looking to great for you Mr Louse. Is that what you really want? What is really going on with you?"

'Should I really tell him? That I feel so..... alone in life. So dull and boxed in. Maybe he'll think I'm crazy.'

"Mr. Flynn I'm very sorry I'll make it up soon enough. I've just not been in the right head space this week, that's all." He tightens his grip around his bag. "I'll see you tomorrow." He turned around and started to walk out the classroom as quick as possible ignoring his professor's calls for him to stop. He wanted to leave and go home right now. Before it happened again. Before he just spilled out everything and before you know it he'd be popping pills like candy and taking shots because he would be found mental. A psych ward was the last place he wanted to be at right now. Just nothing but extra anxiety to add to the problems he already had.

He quickly joined the other students that were leaving the college. He could still hear Mr.Flynn's voice calling after him the sound becoming clearer and louder. Was his professor following him right now?

"Mr. Louse come back here.I am not done talking with you!"

Ian swiftly snuggled himself into a large group of tall students ducking his head down as low as possible until he dashed around the corner of the college entrance. He carefully peaked out his head to see his professor continuously looking around for him, at times stopping to ask students of his whereabouts.

"Why won't he just give up already." Ian mumbled lowly unaware of a dark presence standing behind him.

"Indeed. Why won't the hell bound just give up already."

"Huh-" It had happened all too fast for him to react. He couldn't do anything as he felt a strong arm, grip him from behind around his waist and lift him up. A ruff hand with a white cloth suddenly reaching out and covering his mouth.

"Sshhh.." A dark chilling voice advised. "Just breath it'll be over before you know it."

If he didn't want Mr. Flynn to find him before. He desperately wanted him to find him now. He clawed at the hands that held him tightly. He began to fight with all his might as a sense of danger and fright rumbled through his body like a storm, tears falling down his eyes as he began to inwardly panic. 'Help! Someone help me.... Please! Please someone.... help me!'

No matter how much he tried to fight his strength was no where near his abductors. And before he knew it within a few seconds his body had been overtaken by complete utter darkness.

One by one all his limps had slowly relax. His body and mind no longer fighting for survival.

To say the least that he didn't see it coming was the understatement of the year.

To Be Continued....