Chapter 3

A tall pale male with chestnut hair sat in a chair across from a king size bed that held a small unconscious body. He quietly gazed at the motionless body with zero interest as if it was something common that happened almost everyday.

His eyes gave the body a quick once over noticing that instead of a girl this time it was boy. Which wasn't much of a surprise. But this one was quite gorgeous. His fluffy bubblegum hair laid softly against his forehead like a pretty silk bed cover. His cute button nose and his long raven eyelashes that would grace the top of his cheeks every now and then during his sleep. The same cheeks that were a puffy milky white color, flushed with a small tent of rosy red. The sight matching the boys plumped pink lips that looked unimaginably soft and sweet.

The brown haired male had tilted his head sideways in puzzlement. What was the reason for his brother bringing a child here and tying him up? He thought. What was the little devil up to now?

Just then loud footsteps could be heard drawing the males attention far away from the boy to see the person he's been waiting for finally arrive. "Did you take care of everything?" He asked seeing the room door open.

"As always. So he still hasn't woken up yet."

"Wouldn't you say that's very obvious Zvei. He is still laying down unconscious." He states his tone sounding very bored and annoyed.

"Do me a favor Damien. Keep your nasty attitude to yourself today. Before I cut your tongue out and feed it to you on a silver platter." The younger glared warningly.

Damien snickered. "You'd be dead before you even get the chance to."

"I'm not so sure about that." His gaze travels over to Ian's body a weird light passing through his eyes as he watched the boy begin to toss and turn. The small action not going unnoticed by Damien. "That's your cue to leave now."

"With pleasure." He nods getting up and walking towards the exit. As he passes his brother he lightly pats Zvei on his shoulder before leaving the room. "Have fun."

Zvei smirked. Of course he was going to have fun. He had found a new toy to play with that now belonged to him and him alone. He had tons of plans for the boy that laid in front of him.

It was then at that moment an hoarse groan came from the direction of the bed. Ian slowly opened his eyes feeling a strong painful incoming headache. He winced siting up in the bed only to be pulled back slightly. Suddenly feeling the weight of something cold gripping tightly around risk and ankles. He gasped looking down to see long chains tied to him.

And then it hit him the memory of his last moments rushing in like flooding water. He was kidnapped, taken against his will by someone as he tried to hide from his professor.

He tried to free his hands but it was all in vain. The more he moved the more it tighten guaranteeing that it would leave a huge bruise. The chains were a crafty little thing. That did nothing more but raise his anxiety and scare him. His head jerked to the side facing a large glass window with white florissant curtains. He began to panic as he saw the dark night sky through the window.

He had been out for a while.

And this would be a perfect time to have a fucking parent right now. That would be worrying about him and alarming the police to search for him. But unfortunately reality was bitch because he had no one.

The realisation made him begin to start crying. What in the world was going to happen to him?

"Your finally awake." A voice announced. Grabbing the smaller's attention.

Ian turned his head forward his eyes widening with shock. "N-no... w..way... Z...z-zvei?." he stuttered. It couldn't be, it just couldn't be true!

He was in total denial. This had to be some type of joke right now. He was captured by his college senior. And it wasn't just any senior, it was Zvei Willson for crying out loud. The schools number one respected person. The same person who was energetic, kind, sweet, encouraging, friendly, intelligent. Everything good not some creepy kidnapper. This had to be a dream. No way in hell was this possible. He didn't want to believe it. No fucking way!

"It was about time you woke up. I was getting a little worried that I might've used too much cyclobenzaprine"


As if being able to read Ian's mind Zvei clarifies his words. "A chemical similar to chloroform."

"Y-you... really d-did kid....napp me." He couldn't believe this right now. This hyung was crazy.

"Who else did you think it would be?" Zvei teased with a playful smirk. "Were you expecting someone else."

'Someone else? Who in hell expects to get dammit kidnapped!'

Ian frowned hurriedly scurrying backward until his back hit the bed board with a loud thud, a strong pain striking up his back.

Seeing his abductor suddenly start to approach him in large strides, made his insides crumble into ash. He wanted to be far away from this person as soon as possible. He quickly looked around the room trying to find an opportunity to escape. But how could he? He was chained up very securely.

His body started to tremble in fear and helplessness seeing Zvei hover over him with a sickening grin, reaching out a hand to caress the side of his cheek. Ian's lips wobbled in disgust turning his head away in rejection at the sudden touch. "Don't touch me!"

A high painful cry left Ian's mouth in a rush. Feeling the hand on his face tighten around his jaw painfully, his head abruptly jerking upward, meeting a face that held a murderous glare and a deep scowl. "Look here doll, your in my hands now for as long as you continue to breath. Until I decide to cut off your air supply and trust me when I say, that won't be anytime soon. So before then I advise you to get used to me touching you and everything in general because we'll be seeing each other a lot more than usual for a very long time."

He didn't know where the sudden confidence came from. But he took it and went with the flow. He did it without thinking. He scrunched his nose up, taking in a big inhale then let it loose. Spitting straight on Zvei's face. "Y-your f..fucking crazy!!"

Was he really going to spend the rest of his life near this psycho? Hell. No.

It happened within a blank of an eye his head was forcefully smashed against the beds dash board. Knocking him blank to the point he only saw small color dots and everything black. But it didn't stop there. His throat became soar, a ruff hand wrapping around his neck as he gets aggressively slammed down into the bed. Unable to recover from the first wave he became even more dazed and close to passing out again his oxygen suddenly being cut off.

"I see your not the type to learn with words. You seem like the hands on type." He wiped off the spit his grip squeezing harder. "You'll never learn if I'm being nice to you."

All Ian could do was try to reduce the pressure on his neck with his two hands. As he wheezed heavily, constantly choking for air but through all of this he still managed to voice out some words. "Y-you might.... w-we...ll kill m..e. And put m-me out of my m...misery."

"You would like that wouldn't you?" Zvei began to smile sadistically. "But that's not what I want. I want to fulfil your wish and at the same time fulfil mine."

'What was he talking about, what wish? He's freaking crazy!'

Ian's eyes started to flutter his body becoming numb and tired. He began to drift in and out of consciousness. The older's smile grew bigger as he leaned his face down to the smaller's ear.

"You wanted to feel. So I'll make you feel. Your senses will become overly sensitive to the point that you'll soon be able to feel every fucking thing. Until it kills you from the inside out." He spoke venomously. "You should've been careful for what you wished for doll."

Ian glanced at the ceiling finally feeling the last bit of strength leave him Zvei's words being the last thing he heard before his consciousness got pulled into an bitter darkness once again.

To Be Continued.....