The Penglai Sect… Is Gone!

What sort of power does explosives that could blow up with a 270 million ton-yield actually unleash?

To tell the truth, no person would ever know. That is because no nation in this world has ever developed a hydrogen bomb of such astounding yield, although there is not telling if there were any such ordnance made after the Revival of Qi.

That Little Boy dropped all those years before had merely blown up with a yield of ten thousand tons, but it had still flattened Hiroshima in a split second and inflicted over a hundred thousand casualties.

As a matter of fact, even the nuclear bomb 'Ivan' that was developed later under the leadership of 'Mad Bomber' Nikita Khrushchev had a yield of merely fifty million tons. However, after it was detonated, the resulting explosion had basically laid to waste every building within several hundred kilometers, and the raging storms that its eruption had caused extended up to a thousand kilometers away!