I Have No Excuse To Fight Now!

A thousand miles away from the 'former' Penglai Island, one of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect's Sufferance-tier elites shivered all over and muttered with a look of utter disbelief, "Brother Thousand Sword… has fallen?"

The spiritual mark that the Thousand Sword Daoist had left him with had already faded.

It meant that the person was utterly dead, with not one fragment of his Yuan Spirit left.

The seven Sufferance-tier elites all turned toward the single Mahayana-tier elite of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect then, only to find that said elite was staring somewhere far away and looked even more shocked than they were. He only came to his senses after a long while, looking almost disembodied as he whispered, "The White Brows Daoist and his disciples are all fallen?"

His voice was quiet, but it was even more shocking than a bolt from the blue when the seven Sufferance-tier elite heard him.

A Mahayana-tier elite, fallen?