Chapter 181 Aberrant Beast


Little White suddenly seemed to have discovered something, flapping its wings and darting into a cloud of flowers.

These flower clouds, one by one, cluster by cluster, were as clean and beautiful as dandelions. When the wind came, the petals would scatter around and slowly evaporate in mid-air, eventually dissipating completely.

Nan Lingsha walked slowly, seemingly very fond of these unique cloud flowers, enjoying them with delight.

Rarely, she removed her face veil, revealing a smile that was seldom seen.

Zhu Minglang walked forward, following the trail of Little White.

Generally, anything that interested Little White was never ordinary.

So Zhu Minglang wanted to see what it had found.


Little White itself was pure and noble. It weaved through the cloud vines like a little sprite in the kingdom of clouds.

It alighted on a Cloud Platform Tree, nimbly walking along the tree's colorful branches, attracted to a few fruits hanging from the tree's whiskers.