Chapter 182 Cloud Platform Mother Tree

"It should be all right, it's a dragon transformed from an Aberrant Beast, also called an Aberrant Dragon, but it doesn't like to be called an Aberrant Beast or an Aberrant Dragon. You can call it by its name, Little Chang'e," Nan Lingsha said.

Zhu Minglang almost laughed aloud when he heard this.

Who ever heard of a rabbit named Chang'e.

If you asked Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha herself seemed more like Chang'e, perfectly cradling an Immortal Rabbit Dragon radiating with spiritual energy, and she was incredibly beautiful.

"What are you laughing at, hmph." The Immortal Rabbit Dragon angrily stuck out its plump little paws and waved them in the air a few times.

"Nothing, nothing, thank you for healing my Big Black Tooth. You're amazing, to know healing Profound Arts. That's not something every Azure Dragon has," Zhu Minglang praised.

"Master, master, he praised me, should I pretend to be unhappy to show off my aloofness?" the Immortal Rabbit Dragon raised its head and asked.