treasure in the cabinet (1/3)

The incredibly thick stone door slowly rose upwards. At the same time, the groove that Zhao Xu had placed the Holy emblem in popped out by itself under the effect of the mechanism, and Zhao Xu reached out to catch it.

As the heavy and smelly air flowed out of the door, Zhao Xu gripped his eternal wand, the fireball spell, tightly in his hand, ready to cast a spell if anything went wrong.

in the end, the stone door was completely raised. there was no dull sound of machinery moving during the whole process, only a soft hum, as if it was controlled by magic.

only then did zhao xu realize that he was in a banquet hall in front of him. a painted wooden table with 24 seats was placed in the middle of the hall, taking up almost half of the space.

A four-meter-long painting was hung on the wall of the hall. It was covered with cobwebs, and the color of the carpet was already dark, making it difficult to distinguish.