The land of death (2/3)

in the third cabinet, there was a small piece of light blue animal skin. it looked ordinary, but it seemed to be alive.

when zhao xu looked at it, he couldn't even hold the light crossbow in his hand properly.

this kind of thing actually appeared in the cabinet?

why didn't those death priests bring it with them?

it was a complete waste of a heavenly treasure.

At this moment, Zhao Xu couldn't help but look back at the severe injury spell scroll in his bag. He suddenly felt that this spell that could deal fixed damage actually made a bit of sense.

zhao xu had seen this piece of skin on cui lu's body before, so he recognized it.

As a forest patroller with weak escape abilities, cui Lu was able to survive until she transmigrated to earth and become an expert. It was mostly because she had obtained a magical skin in the early stages.

Energy-suppressing skin!