What kind of man are you?

Antonya's words caused Zhao Xu to fall into a daze.

Even if it was a close relative, he would not let the other party enter his memory.

This was because it meant that everything from the past to the future would be known by another person, including something that had been sealed in the depths of one's mind and would make one's back heat up when they thought about it.

It was an instinctive sense of shame.

Even if Antonya treated him so well that she was willing to give her heart to him, Zhao Xu still couldn't help but hesitate when she said that she wanted to check his memories.

But right now, Antonya had taken the initiative to make a request that even Zhao Xu didn't think he could agree to.

Antonya had trusted him too much.

Now that he had let down his guard, what Zhao Xu could do wasn't just search Antonya's memories. He could even modify and reconstruct her personality, and he was already at the point where tai ah was being stubborn.