the evil dragon burns the city

when zhao xu heard antonya asking him to question her on her behalf, " what kind of man are you? " and while he was still in a state of shock, his consciousness was inexplicably sucked away by a powerful gravitational cavity.

from his thoughts to his consciousness and soul, everything seemed to have slowed down.

The script was wrong!

Zhao Xu realized this in an instant. It was as if he was now being controlled by Antonya's consciousness to read his memories.

This sense of confusion made him unable to think of any effective plan.

The next moment, he passed out.

The moment Zhao Xu fell, a woman wearing a high-hat walked out from the shadows behind the tower and reached out to support him.

She was the first priest in Ernest, Wuyue, who Zhao Xu had met a few times before.

She was followed closely by the Paladin Vivian, who slightly lowered her noble head to cover her respectful and delicate face.