Five: Jaco

Jaco's POV


Chloe called my name. It's been a while since I heard her voice. I miss her saying my name. I looked at her, and I tried not to show any emotions.

"It was nice catching up with you, Jaco."

She smiled at me, and I froze. It's been years since I heard her voice. I missed those sweet smiles of hers. I watched her walk away just like how I watched her walk away, the day she broke up with me. I wanted to run after her and hug her tight, but I have to restrain myself from doing so because I know it was wrong― it was just wrong to me. God knows how much I missed her. It's been four years since the last time I saw her. She's still beautiful since the last time I saw her scratch that she became more beautiful over the years.

I stood up from my seat, and I walked straight to my house. Minutes later, I reached my house, and I saw Andrew standing near the gate. I called him, and we walked together inside the house. We both sat on the couch. "Bro, where have you been? I've been looking for you for an hour?" Andrew asks.

"I went to the shore to get some fresh air. I couldn't sleep last night," I explained.

"Because you saw your ex last night, right?" He teased, "Wait! Don't answer it because we both know we already know the answer to that question," He smirked and gave me a teasing look. I shook my head.

"Whatever!" I told him jokingly.

"Jeez, Bro. Relax! I was only messing with you," He pats my left shoulder playfully. I glared at him. "Anyway, Popoy and Dexter invited us to play basketball later. Wanna join?" He asked. "Sure, but you have to come and get me," I grinned. "Fine," He shrugged. Andrew stood up, "Later," I watched him leave until I heard the door shut. I went to my room, lay on my bed while staring at the ceiling, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.


My phone vibrated. I grabbed my phone beside me on the bed and I looked at the name of the sender. I grinned looking at the name on the screen.

Love, I just got out of the class. I'm on my way home. Don't forget to eat your dinner, okay? Love you! :*


Isn't she the sweetest? She always texts me whenever she's on her way home for me not to get worried. I quickly replied to her text.

Love, we finished playing basketball a few minutes ago. I'm at the house now.


I clicked send. Then I text her another message.

I'll eat later. Take care, babe! Text me when you get home, okay? Love you too. love! :*


A few minutes later she responded.

Alright, love! ;)


After I finished reading Chloe's message, I put my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I got out of the shower and went to my room to change clothes.

"Bro! It's time to eat," My sister said.

"Alright, I'll be there in 5," Before I went out to my room, I grabbed my phone and charged it. After our dinner, Mama asked me to wash the dishes and clean the table. Minutes later, I finished the task.

Knock knock

I heard someone knock on our front door. I wonder who it is. I asked my younger sister to open the door since she's in the living room watching tv, and she's also near the door while I'm in the kitchen.

"Cara, can you please check who's knocking on the door?" I politely asked her and said it out loud enough for her to hear it.

"Ugh! You do it!" She said in an annoyed tone.

Knock knock

"Cara, just open the damn door!" I said impatiently.

"Fine!" She got up and went to open the door. I heard murmured voices then the door shut.

"Cara, who is it?" I asked. I wiped the plates and placed them in the cabinet.

"Who are you, and what did you do to my friend?"

"Holy crap!" I got startled by a masculine voice. I looked up, and I saw Dave, my friend walking in my direction.

"You scared the crap out of me," I exhaled deeply, trying to calm myself. I continued wiping the plates. I glanced at Dave. He was standing beside me, looking in disbelief at what he's seeing.

"Why are you staring? Mama asked me to do it," I said defensively. "Bro, first and foremost," He pointed his finger at me. "You don't like cleaning, even washing the dishes, not unless it's your motorcycle we're talking about," He stated.

"Second, your parents have to scold you before you forcefully do what they asked you to do," He gazed at me with a knowing look. "And based on what your sister Cara told me, you didn't even say anything, and you did right away what your mother asked you to do," He added.

"So? What's the big deal?" I asked. I'm really starting to get annoyed. "Bro, are you in love?" He asked. I looked at him, and he was already gazing at me. I grinned, confirming his question.

"Holy shit! My buddy is in love!" Andrew exclaimed. He was walking towards Dave, and they both gave high five to each other. "Wait, wait, wait! Where have you been? Have you been listening to our conversation?" I asked, looking confused about the situation.

"Dude, we came here together, and no, I wouldn't be able to hear your conversation if you just finished wiping those plates and went to the kitchen door so I can frighten you" He grinned at me evilly. "What the F!" I cursed at them. "So, I heard you're in love?" He chuckled. "Who's this girl that made my buddy change?" Andrew asked teasingly.

"Let me guess," Dave interceded. He acted like he was thinking while gazing at me teasingly. "What's her name again? Is it, Chloe?" Dave eyed me teasingly while Andrew was grinning ear to ear.

"Chloe? Like Chloe Montes?" Andrew said in a teasing manner. "Did we guess it right?" Dave asked innocently. I shook my head. "Please remind me how you became my friends?" I said in an annoyed manner. "Did you just come here to tease me?" I suspiciously asked them. I finished wiping all the plates, and I put them on the cabinet. I walked towards my room while both of them followed behind me.

I grabbed my phone and checked if I got any new messages from my girlfriend. I have several new messages from Chloe, Andrew, and Dave.

Love, just got home.

Love, I'll have to eat. I'll talk to you later :)

Love, are you gonna call later?"

Love, are you busy?

She's so cute. I grinned while reading her text message. Then, I got interrupted in my own happy moment by Andrew and Dave chuckling while gazing at me.

"What?" I rudely asked. They were both amused gazing at me. "It really is different when you're in love," Andrew remarked. I shocked my head and gave them a silent treatment. I quickly replied to Chloe's text.

Hey babe! Slr, Mama asked me to do the dishes

Are you done having dinner?

Babe, I'll call you later :)


Few seconds later, I got a reply from Chloe.

Alright, babe! :)


I glanced at my friends. "Wait, why are you here again?" I asked. "Well, our friends invited us to have a food trip near the shore today. Wanna come?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there, but I'll have to call my girlfriend, so can you guys leave now?" They both chuckled in unison.

"Seriously?! Are you that excited talking to Chloe?" Andrew asked teasingly, while Dave was amused, looking at me. I glared at them jokingly.

Come on, guys! I'll be there. I'll have to call Chloe first, alright?" I reassured them. "Alright, we're gonna head out now," Dave stated. I waited for them to shut the door before I called Chloe.

Ring ring ring…

She answered the call on the third ring.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, babe!" I greeted her.

"What are you doing now?" I asked.

"Just done taking a half-bath. How about you, babe?" She asked back.

"I'm in my room… relaxing," I answered.

"What took you so long to call Love?" She asked.

"Sorry, Love. Andrew and Dave went here a while ago," I explained.

"Are they still there? What are they doing there?"

"They came here to inform me that our friends invited us to have a food trip near the shore, but the two already left first," I explained.

"Are you going to join them?" She asked.

"Yeah, I will join them later after our call. Is it okay with you?" I asked.

"It's fine with me. After all, that's your friends," She laughed. I smiled, listening to her laugh.

That's what I like about Chloe. She won't forbid you from going out with your friends. As long as I'm careful and behaving, then we don't have a problem.

"You won't get jealous?" I teased.

"Why would I get jealous? It's your friends, and besides, I know them," I chuckled. I really like teasing her because sometimes she's easily got annoyed, and I just loved hearing her whine. She's cute when she's annoyed.

"Love you," I blurted out.

"Love you too!" She says cutely.

"Love, do you know I miss you so much," I confessed.

"Awee! You miss me?" She teased.

"Of course, I do!" I sighed, "Did you not miss me?" I asked.

"Hmmm.. secret!" She laughed, and I groaned in return. She loves to tease me too.

"Secret, huh?"

"Yes, secret," She giggled, and I groaned in return. "I think I'm going to end the call. You didn't miss me at all," I said, sounding hurt while teasing her.

"Love, you're so cute?" She teased.

"Bye, Love," I said teasingly.

"Hey, I miss you! Please don't be disheartened I―"


Huh? What happened? Did she hang up on me? I quickly redialed her number.

"Sorry, you do not have enough load in your account to make this call…"

What the hell! I forgot to reload. I quickly grabbed my wallet and went to the nearest store to buy a load. Crap! She might have thought I hung up on her.

"Hi! I'll buy a load," I hurriedly say.

"How much?" The lady asks.

"Just 20," I informed her.

"Your number please," She handed me a piece of paper and a pen to write. I quickly wrote my phone number, and minutes later, I received my load.

"Miss, I already received the load, thanks!" I quickly register my load to unli call and text. Then, I immediately called Chloe.

Ring ring ring…

Chloe's not picking up my calls. Crap! She might be upset right now and thought I hung up on her. I'll text her. She might reply to my text.

Love, please answer my call. :(


I walked towards where my friends are staying. They are maybe cooking or eating near the shore by now.

Love, I'm not sad nor upset… I was just messing with you :(


I waited a few minutes for her to reply. Sadly, she didn't respond to any of my texts.

Love… please? Don't be angry :(

Chloe :(


Minutes later, Chloe called, and I immediately answered her call.

"Love, are you angry?" I asked.

"No, I'm not. Why?" She asked.

"Then, why aren't you answering my calls?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh, I slept waiting for your call... sorry, love."

That's why her voice sounded raspy because she fell asleep. Thank god! She's not upset with me.

"Ohh, you were sleeping already? I'm really sorry, Love. You can continue your sleep now," I stated. She sighed.

"But I can't sleep again," She whined.

"I know you're tired from your class, love. You can continue your sleep now. I'm not upset, I promise," I reassured her.

"Can you do me a favor?" She asked.

"What is it, love?"

"Can you sing me a song?"

"Love?!" I whined. "It might rain here. Love, please don't let me sing," I heard on the other line she was giggling. Ugh! Chloe's giggles are so adorable.

"Pretty please, love? Sing a song for me," She sounded cute. I groaned. Who could refuse their girlfriends' pleading and adorable giggles, right? Even if it's embarrassing on your part, you have to do it for her.

I sighed, "Alright, how could I refuse my girlfriend's request, right?" I muttered.

"Yes! Omg!" She squealed. "Thank you, Love. What will you sing?" She said.

"Just listened, alright?"

"Alright," She said.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready,"