Six: Apartment

The company that I'm working for was kind enough to provide me a place where I'll be staying and a car. The company building is only two blocks away from my apartment. I can walk on my way to the office to my apartment when I feel like it. It's pretty convenient for me, thanks to my company and boss.

Two days after, I reunited with my family and accidentally met Jaco in San Juan. I went to the city and got settled in the apartment that the company provided me.

When I entered my apartment, it was already fully furnished. The first thing I noticed is the walls which were painted white. I started touring the place, starting from the living room; I love the carpet. It gives me a different ambiance to the room. The place looks simple yet attractive to look at, aesthetic and minimalist kind of vibe.

Kitchen, I have to say the main attraction in the kitchen are the flowers and cactus. Thank god! I already have a refrigerator, coffee maker, and electric stove. I don't need to buy those things. Sadly, I don't have utensils. I guess I'll be going shopping then. Next is the bedroom, it's definitely my bedroom. It's the perfect endgame in the apartment. You know what I mean, right? I have a mini patio in my bedroom! I always wanted to have one. The apartment Maki and I back in Canada have a breathtaking view. Unfortunately, we don't have a patio.

I have to admit Celeste did a great job decorating the place. She really did take note of the interiors that I like. I love how minimal and aesthetic the apartment. And the fact that it's 90% white inside my apartment. I love white, who doesn't? It makes the place relaxing and homey. I grabbed my phone in my bag and checked the time. It's already 5:30 p.m.

Instead of calling my boss, Celeste, at this hour, I decided to text her because she might be sleeping now, and I don't want to wake her up, especially that she's pregnant.

Hey boss!

I love the place. I'm freaking out right now. You're the best! Take care!


After I texted Celeste, I moved to the living room, and grabbed two luggage bags into my bedroom, and started unpacking my things. Minutes later, I'm finished putting my clothes in the walk-in closet.

I'm famished. I went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and found nothing. For short, it's empty. Crap! I completely forgot to buy groceries on my way here. I don't have a choice but to order food. Besides, I'm too hungry to go down and buy groceries. Good thing Evelyn informed me to download the Foodpanda app before I came here. I ordered my food, and while waiting for my food to be delivered, I dialed Eve's number to annoy her, and lucky me, she answered my call on the first ring.

"Eveeeeeee!" I squealed excitedly to annoy her. LOL.

"Chlo," She said in a bored tone. She knows I'm trying to annoy her.

"I miss you! Can you come over to my apartment?" That's a complete example of me being clingy to a friend. I mean, you guys have those moments too. Right?

"Are you out of your mind, Chloe?!"

"No, my brain is still intact,"

"Chloe, I'm literally. 2 hours and 30 mins drive away from your apartment," Eve reminded me.

"Yeah, so?" I'm really trying not to crack. I want this prank to be this successful.

"Did you really forget that this is the Philippines; heavy traffic especially, on a Friday night," She explained. I can't give up. I― Sorry, I have to laugh now.

I giggled. "Alright, alright! I'm just messing with you," I confessed.

"CHLOOOOOEE!" She yelled on the other line. "So, why were you calling me?" She asked.

"I was bored waiting for my food, so I decided to call you just to annoy you," She groaned on the other line while I giggled in return.

"Ugh! I hate you!" She whined.

"Sorry, not sorry tho," I laughed.

"Are you done packing?" She asked, changing the subject.


Ding dong ding dong…

I heard the doorbell rang. "Eve, hold on for a sec. I think my food just arrived," I informed her.

"Alright," She said. I put my phone on the dining table and walked my way towards the front door. I opened it and saw a delivery guy standing holding my food.

"Good evening, ma'am. Are you Chloe Montes?" He asked.

"Yes, that's me," I smiled.

"Total of 475 pesos," He said. "And here's your food," I handed him the money, and at the same time, he handed me my food.


"Enjoy your meal, ma'am!" I smiled. He left, and I closed the door. I placed my food on the table, grabbed my phone, and resumed talking to Evelyn.

"Hey Eve!"

"What did you order?" She asked.

"1- steamed fried rice,

1- stuffed shrimps,

1- sweet and sour fish,

1- quail egg siomai,

1- Buchi and lastly;

1- sprite can," I informed her.

"Chloe, that's too many. Can you finish all of it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm certain I can finish all of it," I reassured her.

"What will be your breakfast for tomorrow?" She asked.

"I'll just buy groceries after I finish eating my dinner."

"I'm gonna invite myself to your apartment tomorrow and have dinner together with you," I chuckled.

"Alright! As long as you'll be cooking," We both laughed.

"Alright, I'll hang up now so you can have your dinner," Eve said.

"See you tomorrow, Eve!"

"See you!"

I hang up the phone. I placed the phone on the table beside me, and I started eating my dinner. After I ate my dinner and cleaned the dining table, I went out to the nearest mall I could find in the area. I parked my car and headed inside the mall. I go to Rustans, buy groceries and things that I need in my apartment. An hour later, I go to the counter to pay.

I checked my phone and realized it's early to go back from my apartment. I was thinking of shopping for some clothes. I went to the parking lot and placed all the things that I bought inside my car.

I'm at the H&M store looking for some clothes when I saw some familiar faces walking around inside the boutique. They were so engrossed talking to each other that they didn't notice me, so I decided to approach them.


They stopped talking, and they both looked at me with wide eyes. I heard someone gasped. They were too stunned to see me that they couldn't utter a single word.

"Miss me?" I grinned.

"Chloe?" Mitche muttered. I chuckled. "Holy marshmallow! Chloe, is that you?" She asked.

"Yes, Mitche. It's me, and Hi Yhann!" I smirked. Suddenly, we heard someone squealing behind us. I turned around, I saw Elaine and Ninna running towards us, and they both hugged me and squeezed me really tight.

"Jeez guys, I know you all miss me, but I can't breathe," I muttered. Both Elaine and Ninna pulled away from the hug. "Ops! Sorry, we're just glad that you're back," Ninna reasoned out.

"Wait, no hugs from you two?" I asked, pointing my fingers towards Mitche and Yhann, who are still shocked. I grinned. They quickly gave me a brief hug.

"When did you come back? You didn't tell us you were coming home?" Elaine asked.

"Ohh, I was gonna surprise you, that's why I didn't inform you guys nor let Maki spill the beans" I explained. "I just got back two days ago," I added.

We all decided to stay and catch up at Starbucks and exchanged each other's phone numbers. I decided to invite them tomorrow over dinner at my apartment, just catching up with my other high school friends.