Sixteen: Liam Cam Taylor!

After my friends and I finished cleaning my apartment, they all left my apartment. Whew, thank god! I was able to prevent their disastrous plan.

I texted Jaco, telling him he doesn't need to drop by later at my apartment, and I started getting ready for a meeting with a client later.

A client of mine called my office yesterday afternoon to inform me his boss will arrive in Cebu later that night and wanted to set a meeting with me for their upcoming event, which by the way, weeks from now. The client apologized for the sudden meeting, especially since his boss wanted to meet during the weekend.

It was a last-minute request from the client, and I couldn't say no since I wanted this event to be successful too. Here I am at the AD Yacht Club Hotel, where my client's boss is staying. Thankfully it was a few minutes away from my apartment building, and I arrived ten minutes earlier than the said time. I quickly retouch my makeup before I go out of my car.

I walk my way to the reception desk in the lobby.


"Hello, and good evening, ma'am." The staff greeted me back.

"I have a meeting with Juliet Gomez."

"Are you Ms. Chloe Montes?" The staff asks.

"Yes, I am," I confirmed.

"Hello, ma'am. She's expecting you at the Bai café." The staff said.

"I'm sorry, but which way is the Bai café?" I ask.

"Just head straight, turn left, and you'll see the Bai café sign," The staff instructed.

"Alright. Thank you," I made my way towards the Bai café. I followed her instructions, and thankfully I arrived there safe and sound.

I got inside the Bai Café and saw my client, Juliet, sitting in the corner.

"Hi, Juliet,"

She stood up from her seat and greeted me back. "Hello, Chloe."

"Am I late?" I ask as I get settled down from my seat opposite next to her. "Oh no, you arrived just in time. He'll be here any minute," She reassured. "Chlo, I'm really sorry for the sudden meeting. I hope we didn't ruin your weekend," She said.

"Oh, no worries. You didn't ruin anything, and it's my pleasure to meet with your boss too," It was my turn now to reassure her.

"What is he like... your boss?"

"He's British-Canadian, good-looking like a supermodel. Oh! And those dimples? Oh my gosh! He's absolutely stunning." Juliet was giddy as she described her boss. "He's single. My boss dates a lot but rarely gets into a serious relationship," I chuckled. I meant about her boss's work, like is he strict? Punctual? Not the other way around, though. How did she even know about her boss's personal life?

"If you don't mind me asking, Jul," I started. "Hmm? What is it?" She asked.

"Why did your boss ask to meet with me when you can directly contact the project manager's team who handles the event?"

"I have no idea, Chloe," She started. "My boss specifically asks you, and I was also wondering. I explained to my boss that Ada is the project manager for the event, not you. "He insisted to meet with you as soon as he arrives here in Cebu,"

I furrowed my brows. Really? Weird. Do I know Juliet's boss?


A masculine voice called out Juliet's name behind us. Juliet stood up, and I looked over behind me. I gasped as I looked at the person standing behind us, and I stood up in my seat with my mouth wide open.

"Mr. Taylor, this is—"

"Liam Cam Taylor!" I exclaimed.

He smirks.

"Surprise!" Cam says.

He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me tightly.

"What the hell, Cam!" I cross my arms and glares at him playfully.

"I just wanna surprise you," He stated.

"Erm…" Juliet cut in.

Crap! I forgot about Juliet being with us. Cam and I eyed her, and she looked puzzled, staring at us.

"Sorry about that, Jul," Cam says. "Oh no, it's alright. I'm just confused― do you know each other?" She asked.

Cam and I glanced at each other before one of us answered Juliet's question.

"Yeah, we do know each other. It's a long story, though," I answered while Cam put his arms on my shoulders.

"You can leave now, Juliet," Cam instructed.

"But― what about the meeting, sir?"

"It's alright. We can handle it by ourselves, Juliet. No need to worry," He says.

"Are you sure, sir?" Juliet looks skeptical, leaving his boss behind.

"I insist. Go spend your time with your family," He gazed at me. "And you, we have a lot of catching up to do," I chuckled.

"Alright, I'll be leaving then," Julie says.

Cam and I both nod in return. Julie quickly packed her things in her bag and left us behind.

"Please have a seat," Cam offered. We both got settled down in our seats.

"Let's order something. I'm hungry," Jaco raised his right hand and gestured for the menu to the waiter.

"Let's start our meeting," I said.

"For real? Chlo, can you stop being prim and proper," He rolls his eyes.

"Hey! You're my client, and you set up a meeting with me," I retorted.

"Just act what you usually do when we're together," He started. "And I'm hungry. Let's order." He averts his gaze back to the menu.

"Fine," I pout.

I exhaled defeatedly. It's impossible to win an argument with this man. Jaco called the waiter and gestured we are ready to order. Seconds later, the waiter arrived at our table.

"What do you like to eat?" Cam asks.

"Hmm... I don't know, burger?" I ask him back.

"Do you do take-out?" Cam asked the waiter.

"Yes, sir. We do take-outs," The waiter stated.

"2 -burgers with fries,

1 -lemonade,

1 -coca-cola can," He dictated. "Oh, it's a take-out," He added.

"Since when do you eat burgers?" I arch my brows, questioning him.

"Since you ordered it on our first date," He says. I shook my head. This guy always surprises me.

"That would be all. Thank you,"

The waiter repeated our orders, and we handed back the menu to him.

"Will be serving your order 10-15 minutes, sir," We nodded, and the waiter left our table.

"Why aren't we eating here? I thought you're hungry?" I asked with a puzzled look.

"I wanted to go somewhere with you," He stated.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Somewhere we can have a picnic and quiet,"

"In the evening? You kidding, right?" I eyed him in disbelief. How the hell Juliet handled him? How the hell did we become friends anyway? I rolled my eyes.

"We are not going anywhere, Cam. We still have things to discuss for your event," I argued.

"We can reschedule it for Monday so I can see you again," He winked at me flirtily. "But for now, I wanna catch up with you," He stated.

"Ugh! You're unbelievable," I sighed. "Seriously though, Why is Juliet calling you boss? Last time I checked, you're not from JT Enterprise," I pointed out as I changed the subject.

"Why? Do you wanna apply for a job?" He smirks, and I roll my eyes. "Technically, I am now," he answered. "But― I thought you own LC Designs Co.?" Still puzzled as, why Juliet is referring to him as boss.

"Yeah, solely it's mine, but recently Dad wants me to be part of JT Enterprise and appoints me as the new president," he stated.

"When I asked Juliet a while ago what her boss it's like… I didn't expect it would be you," he chuckled.

"Congrats! I'm happy for you," He shrugs.

"If you're really happy for me, let's celebrate my promotion, just you and I,"

I chuckled.

"You haven't celebrated it yet?" I eyed him, looking amused, and my voice sounded in disbelief.

He shook his head.

"Alright. Let's celebrate it," Cam's face lit up like a kid got cotton candy. "Really?" I nodded.

"It's a date then," He grinned.

Cam is really a businessman. He knows how to negotiate in every situation he encounters.

As if on cue, the waiter served our take-out order on the table. Cam quickly put the money on the table. He grabbed our takeouts and dragged me out of the cafe.

"Hey! slow down," I whined. "Why are you even in a hurry? My voice sounded annoyed. "I wanna spend more time with you." He confessed. "Did you bring your car with you? Let's head out somewhere," He says.

"Yeah, I bring my car with me, and I'm driving," He chuckled.

"As you wish, my lady." He bowed playfully.

"Where are we headed?" Cam asks.

"Tops View," I answered.

"Tops?" He asked.

"Yeah, you said you wanted to have a picnic,"

"Honestly, you can take me anywhere you wanna go as long as I'm with you." He says. I eyed him and shook my head. Now he's acting like a player.

"Is our food enough for the two of us?" He asks.

"It's enough for me. I don't know about you," I teased.

"Hey! I don't eat that much," He argued. "Uh-huh," I teased, and he shook his head.

Thirty minutes of driving and we finally reached our destination. Cam grabbed our take-outs, got out of my car, and headed inside the Tops' view.

"Wow! The place reminds me of when we drove to Westville view," He stated. I arch my brows and look at him warily, "You remember?"

"Of course, I remembered! How could I forget that night when you broke things off between us," He mumbled while I shrugged.

We found a secluded spot and sat on the grass. We decided to stay there to be away from the small crowd who are tourists, busy taking pictures.

Cam and I took a mouthful bite of our burgers and enjoyed the scenery. The view was breathtaking, looking at the city lights up here.

Cam's right.

It reminds me of the Westville view too, where Cam and I usually drove hours away from the city just to get away from work or to everyone. It was our secret place, even Maki doesn't even know about it.

"How are you, Chlo?"

"I'm good, I guess?" I chuckled. "How are you, Cam?"

"Just... alright, I guess?" We both chuckled.

"How did you know that I was here?"

"I met Charlie at the event your company organized, and I was looking for you, hoping to see you at the party. I asked Charlie where you were, and she told me you're here in Cebu," He started. "Luckily, the company was planning to have a company party for the Cebu branch, and I sort of recommend your company to organize the party― a perfect excuse to see you, and you have no excuse to avoid me."

Cam grinned ear to ear, looking proud that he used his position to see me here in Cebu.

Cam acts like a womanizer in front of other people and the eyes of the paparazzi, but it was a facade he put up to hide the real Cam. He's sweet, caring, loves his family dearly, and― oh well, who loves sex. (rolled my eyes.)

I can see the real Cam when it's just the two of us spending time together.

I like Cam.

He's a nice guy. How I wish I can love him without looking back on my first love. I don't want Cam to be a rebound. If I'm going to open my heart to Cam, I want it to be because I fall in love with him and his efforts, not the latter.

"Aren't you tired?" He furrowed his brows.

"Tired of what?"

"― of waiting for me to return the same love you showered towards me." I sigh.

"I told you before, I'll never get tired waiting for you, even how long it takes," He smiled. "Why... why are you hurting yourself?" I smiled faintly. "You could have dated anyone."

"Truthfully speaking, yeah. I can date whoever I want, but it wouldn't be the same if it wouldn't be you, Chlo." He exhaled heavily. "I― I love you, Chloe―" Cam stared intently. "Always will," He smiled.

I gulped.

"Now, you're being cheesy, Cam." I cleared my throat and averted my gaze.

One of the things I like about Cam is he's straightforward, not beating around the bush. He's not afraid to show or say what he feels or voice his opinion. I always adore this side of him. How I wish I could be like him.


"But you like it," He teased, grinning at me. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Did you meet him?" Cam's voice suddenly became serious. I smiled faintly and nod my head;

"I-I did,"

"I'm guessing it didn't end well?"

I exhaled heavily.

"He's with someone new," I shrugged and smiled faintly.

"I bet you're happy hearing the news. You won't have any competition," I chuckled while Cam shook his head.

"Why would I be happy if you're hurting," I glanced at him, and his face looks serious.

"I wish we could meet in different circumstances... I got over my first love when I met you. We might be happy together now if that was the case," I smiled faintly.

"Hey, hey," Cam cupped my cheeks. "Look at me," He stated firmly.

"Different circumstances or not, I would still love you the same," He cooed.

Tears started forming in my eyes.

He never fails to make me feel love.

I wish I could give you the same love I'm giving to Jaco.

I'm sorry, Cam.

I'm sorry if I keep you waiting.

"Thank you, Cam."

I held his hand and caressed it as my way of appreciating everything he had done for me.

"It's supposed to be a happy date, not gloomy," I playfully glared at him, and he chuckled.

He's good at changing the mood.

Cam let go of my cheeks and put his arm on my shoulders.

"You're right," I stated and leaned against Cam's shoulder.

"I'm guessing you'll be focusing more on your work and less on sleeping around with different ladies," I teased.

"Are you jealous?" He arched his brows, looking amused.

"Why would I?" I said defensively and shrugged. Cam moves closer to my face. "Because it seems you're implying it, though," I glared at him while he smirked in return.

Maybe I am― a little? But don't tell him that. ;)

"Ugh, you're so full of yourself," I retorted, and teased him like I was annoyed, but I wasn't.

"Admit it, Chlo. You're jealous," He insisted.

"No, I'm not," I grimaced.

Cam abruptly moves closer, causing my breath to hitch and my heartbeat to raise. We were so close that our lips were inches away.

"Admit it, Chlo."

He whispered and stared intently into my eyes. The way Cam stares at me makes butterflies in my stomach.

"I―no," I stated in a raspy voice. "I'm not jealous, Cam." I cleared my throat.

"You're such a bad liar, Chlo," He smirked. "I can clearly see it in your eyes," He glanced at my lips and stared like my lips were enticing him.

I cleared my throat while Cam moved away, and we averted our gazes.

Whew! That was close.

"So, you're managing two companies now?" I changed the topic.

"Hey! you're changing the topic," He whined.

"Because I can," I smirked.

"Ohhh, sassy," He cooed. "I like sassy, Chloe. She's hot," He winks, and I roll my eyes. "Yes, I do. And I was kind of considering making LC Designs as a subsidiary under JT Enterprise," He says.

"I think it's a smart move, Cam."

"Thanks, and I'll be announcing it at the party. The guest will not only be the JT employees but LC Designs Co as well."

"Wait," I furrowed my brows. "I didn't know you branched out LC Designs in the Philippines," I frowned while Cam chuckled.

"Really? I thought you knew. Anyway, Cebu was the first branch I made outside Canada,"

"Well, I'm excited about your new venture. I wish you good luck, Cam." I smiled. "The only luck I want is you." I roll my eyes. "Stop doing that," I whined while he chuckled.

"Why? Are you falling for me?" He teased and smirked like a billion-dollar smile. A blush crept into my face. Luckily, he didn't notice the blush on my face since it was dim around the area.


I got home late last night from our little getaway with Cam. I arrived at my apartment around 1 a.m. Evelyn texted three hours ago, letting me know she'll be crashing at Giel's house.

We didn't stay long at Tops View and transferred to another place since the place was getting crowded. We went for a long drive around the city for a while, and we went to Boardwalk Lanilla. We stayed there until we decided to call it a night.

It was Sunday morning. I was cleaning my room when Maki called on Facetime.


"How are you, Chlo?"


"You seem in a good mood today," I chuckled.

I wouldn't be surprised if she noticed every little detail about me, just like Evelyn and Sydney does. She knows me too well. I think most of my friends do.

"I do?"

"Spill it, young lady," I chuckled.

"Alright," I exhaled heavily. "Cam's here―in Cebu," I said softly.

Maki got quiet on the other line.

"Maki?" I called her name. She suddenly squealed on the other line making me flinched and grimaced.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I think my eardrums are damaged, and her squeal is making me deaf.

"Oh, alright. You can stop screaming now. I think you damage my eardrum for the day,"

"Oh my god! It's destiny, Chloe!" She exclaimed.