Seventeen: Two Years Ago


Two years ago…

Chloe and Cam first met.

It was late afternoon. I was at the cafe, waiting for my client to arrive. I check the time on my wristwatch and sigh as my client is already forty minutes late. I wonder if he's going to show up today. I'm a busy person, and he's wasting my time.

I decided to wait for another five minutes, and if he's not going to show up, I'm leaving. I tapped my fingers on the table as I waited for my client― times up! It's been five minutes, and still no sign of him.

I stood up from my seat and ready to leave when someone cleared a throat behind me.

"Excuse me, are you Chloe Montes?" The guy asks. "Yeah, that's me," I arch my brows, looking at him warily.

Is he my client? Damn, he looks hot. I scrutinized the guy in front of me. Gosh! Look at those green eyes. It's mesmerizing. Curly brunette hair and maybe six feet tall? Damn, those dimples are to die for, and I can tell he works out a lot.

BUT I won't forgive him easily just because he's insanely handsome and hot. Ugh, What am I thinking right now? Snap out of it, Chloe. You're here to have a meeting. Stop ogling and be professional!

The guy clears his throat, causing me to snap out of my provocative thoughts.

"And you are?"

Whew! That was a quick move, Chloe.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Cam," he gestures his hand to shake. "Liam Cam Taylor," He introduced.

"Chloe Montes from Celeste Creatives PR and Events." I shake his hand in return.

Gosh! British accent, my weakness. Oh, wow! Cam's hands are firm, very manly indeed. I hope I'm not drooling in front of him. It would be embarrassing if I am. Code Red! Let me remind you he's our client. It's strictly professional, Chloe. He's still rude to keep me waiting, though. I want to teach him a lesson.

"Well, Cam," I let go of his hand.

"I―" He cut in. "I got caught up with work. My new assistant failed to mention our meeting was rescheduled to 2 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. meeting. I sincerely apologized, Miss Montes. Now, we can start our meeting," He took a seat while I arched my brows, watching him sitting comfortably.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but I was about to leave for my next meeting. We can reschedule ours."

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"You heard me," I arch my brows.

"I can't reschedule it. I'm a very busy man, Ms. Montes." He argued.

"So do I, Mr. Taylor," I snapped back.

"How about we compromise on our best interest," He suggested.

"Alright, you can have the meeting today here or wherever you want, and I'll send one of my team so you can talk things out," He furrowed his brows.

"Wait, what about you?" He asks.

"I'll go to my next meeting as scheduled, and one of our team will take my place since you insisted you wanted it today," I explained. "Now, are we good?" I gave him my sweetest smile, proving to him I won.

"But― I want you in my meeting," He argued.

"Excuse me?" I arched my brows, looking at him warily. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Ugh, I really need to go. I'm going to be late for my next meeting if I don't go now.

"How about you ask one from your team to take your place in your next meeting, and we can have our meeting as scheduled," He suggested. "See? Problem solved," He says.

Cam does have a point, though. But I already took one step ahead of him. I called the team a while ago and asked Divine to come here to the Cafe just in case the client shows up late and doesn't want to reschedule the meeting. As if on cue, Divine arrived and stood beside me.

"Am I late?" Divine asked while I glanced at her. "Just right on time, Div," I grinned.

"This is Divine Smith. She'll be filling in for me. "Divine, this is Mr. Taylor, our client." They both shook hands. "I have to go, Mr. Taylor. It was nice meeting you and seeing you around." I smiled triumphantly like I just won an argument with him and left him stunned in his seat.

Thankfully, I arrived at my next meeting without a hitch. My client, Gigi, and I go over the final plans for the event. From the venue, food menu, program, guest list, and check if everything is ready on Friday night. Hours later, we were able to settle everything, ended our meeting, and said our goodbyes.

I pack my things and check the time on my watch. It's five past 6 in the evening, and I still need to go back to the office. I was ready to leave when my phone rang. I glanced at my screen, and it was from an unknown number. I answered the call. It might be a client or something important from work.

"Hello, Chloe Montes speaking,"

"Hey, Erm.. this is Cam,"

I froze.

Oh shit! How the hell did he get my number? Did Divine give it?

"Oh― Hello, Mr. Taylor. What can I do for you?"

"I called to inform you that I check my schedule for next week, and I'm rescheduling our meeting as you suggested," Wow, I'm surprised! I wonder what made him change his mind.

"What changed your mind, Mr. Taylor?" I asked. My curiosity kicks in.

"Well... I figured out I was unfair. It was entirely my fault, to begin with, so yeah." I heard him chuckled on the other line, and I arched my brows.

Interesting. This guy is persistent, and I'm starting to think this client will be a handful.

"Alright. When will it be? I still have to check my schedule before I confirmed our rescheduled meeting."

"Oh, Divine already checked your schedule, and you're free on Tuesday around 4 p.m. onwards,"

Damn, he's quick!

"Alright, I'll see you next Tuesday then,"

We said our goodbyes, and he ended the call.

I exhale deeply.

It was Tuesday morning. I was in my office, sipping my coffee while reading feedback from my clients for the recent events in my email. We always mandate our clients give us feedback for us to know which area we need to improve.

I have a small office next to Charlie, our marketing manager. Charlie requested to let me have my own office since I'm having solo projects and created my own team without her. Isn't she a sweet and thoughtful boss?

Unfortunately, later in the afternoon, I'll be having a meeting with Mr. Taylor again, and this time it's in our company building. I have some clients who became my acquaintance and friends and who'll always need our services whenever they need an event organizer for their event. So, our company always has events to look forward to every month.

You might think that my job is easy, right? I did experience setbacks, challenging clients that are too demanding of my time too. Even on weekends, they wanted to update the planning for the event. It may be changing the program, decors, food menu, etc., and even the last minute of the said event. I mean, who does that?!

THEM. My clients.

Fortunately, Celeste Creatives, Charlie, and I, along with the team, handled it well and pushed through the event until the end without a hitch. I mean, we wouldn't be held as one of the best PR companies in Canada for nothing, right?

I'm confident I can handle Mr. Taylor. I've gone through worse clients before him, so let's just say I've come prepared.

I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in,"

"Hey, Chloe. You ask to see me?" I looked up, and it was Divine. "Yeah, close the door and have a seat," She closed the door and took a seat.

"You'll be joining me on the meeting with Mr. Taylor later at 4 pm at our conference room,"

"Alright, do you want me to prepare something?"

"Yes, prepare all the contacts for the caterer, different types of cuisine, themes, decors, and venues," I instructed Divine. "Oh, you'll be taking down notes during the meeting, and if you wanted to suggest something, please do speak up. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for the event."

"Alright, I will. Anything else?" She asked. "Oh, I have to ask you something," I began.

"What is it?" Divine asked.

"What happened after I left the cafe? I'm surprised he rescheduled the meeting and called me about it."

"Well, it's weird because after you left, he was kinda asking me about you and your work. Suddenly, he wanted to reschedule the meeting and called his assistant to check his schedule," I arch my brows, "Really?"

"It seems to me he's into you, Miss Chloe." She commented. "So, I did my research about him, and guess what I found out," She was keen on telling me about it.

"What?" I said in a bored manner.

"He's actually the owner of LC Designs Co." My mouth hangs wide open.

"He's what?!" Did I hear her correctly?

Divine nodded slowly. ​"Yes, I'm surprised too when I found out,"

"Oh, boy. Am I in trouble?" I feel uneasy about it. I am in so much trouble right now. Gosh! What would Charlie and Leah say if they found out what happened at the cafe? I sigh, "We need to get this event, Div," I sigh, "We can't afford to lose it," I said worriedly.

"Relax, I believe we'll get this event, and besides, he's into you," She grins.

"Think about it. He rescheduled the meeting today instead of complaining to Charlie or Leah about how rude you were in the cafe," She stated. I scowl.

"Stop that nonsense, Div," I firmly say.

"That would be all. You can leave now, Divine." She nodded and left the office.

The receptionist called and informed me that Mr. Taylor and his assistant had arrived. He's ten minutes early from our scheduled time.

I'm impressed.

I immediately called Divine to assist Mr. Taylor and his assistant towards the conference room.

I saw in my glass wall Divine led them to the conference room where we'll be having our meeting in a few minutes as I instructed.

Oh god! Look at him. He's wearing an Armani suit gracefully, like how models wore it in a photoshoot. It reminds me of when I first met him at the cafe. He looks good in a business suit. I mean, he looks good on whatever he wears, though.

My alarm rang on my phone. It's time for our meeting. I quickly grab my laptop and my phone with me and march towards the conference room.

I arrived at the conference room. Mr. Taylor and his assistant were waiting for me while Divine was finishing giving them refreshments.

"Hello, Mr. Taylor." I greeted and offered my hand to shake.

"Hello, Ms. Montes." He shook his hand in return. "And, please just call me Cam," He says. "Alright, and you can also call me Chloe then,"

"This is my assistant, Linda," He introduced. "Hello, Linda. Nice to meet you. I'm Chloe Montes, and I'm guessing you already met Divine. She's the project manager for your event," I introduced.

"Let's begin,"

We all took our seats. Linda started to inform us what the party is all about. Then we moved to discuss the budget for the party, themes, number of guests, designs, etc. After an hour and thirty minutes of discussion, we have already come up with a list of possible venues, themes, and a budget for the party.

"I think that settles then. We are officially hiring you as our Event planner for our event," He offered to shake his hands. "Thank you, Cam,"

"Would this mean I'll be seeing you more often since I officially hired Celeste Creatives for my party?" I shook my head.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but no, Cam. I closed the deal, and it's my team's work from then on," I explained. "I'll still help them, but I won't be with them every meeting with you and Linda. Oh, and I'll be at the party too. Divine and one of my team will be meeting with you now and then for the preparations," I smiled and reassured them that I'm still working with the event.

Cam nodded, but his face didn't look satisfied and convinced about me not going to the meetings with them.

"Alright, but can I talk to you for a moment?" He glanced at Linda and Divine. "Privately," I nodded.

"Let's talk in my office," We head out, leaving Linda and Divine in the conference room.

We arrive at my office, and I put the blinds down so we can talk comfortably without other employees prying eyes.

"So," I start. "What is this all about?" He chuckles. He was standing behind me. I lean my back slightly on my desk and cross my arms as I was talking to him.

"Wow, you wouldn't offer me a seat or coffee?" He comments. He slowly walked closer to me.

"Please, take a seat. Do you want coffee?" He chuckles. "Nah, I'm good. I was just messing with you," He winks at me.

"Spill it. What do you want? I don't have time for this, Cam." I spat. "Ohhh, sassy! I like it," I roll my eyes. "Seriously, you can stop with the banter and start talking, Cam." I sigh. He stops two feet in front of me as he leans closer to my face and puts his left hand on the desk for support.

"Have dinner with me?"

Is he one of those jerks who thinks all the girls will fall for his charms and do what he says? He wants to play? I'll play with him, but I won't fall for his charms. I moved my hands, slowly brushed his shoulder, and eyed him seductively. I leaned and whispered in his ear.


I intentionally and slightly touch his arms as I moved past him. I was grinning ear to ear and made my way to the door. I watched Cam. He was grinning. "Let me rephrase that. We'll have dinner on Friday night. I wasn't asking you. It was an order, Chloe." He took his time scrutinizing my body and stared at my eyes. "Wear something casual," He smirked.

I chuckled. "I told you already. It's a no. Find someone else. Your charms won't work on me, Cam." I opened my door and gestured for him to leave.

All of a sudden, Charlie and Leah saw me on my door and were heading towards me. Crap! Crap! My bosses are here.

"Hey Chloe, is your meeting done?" Charlie greeted.

"Yeah, a while ago."

"We were wondering if you could come―" Cam cleared his throat, interrupting us. The two of them glance at Cam, who just interrupted my boss.

"Sorry to interrupt―"

"Liam Cam Taylor. What a pleasant surprise," Leah says. "What are you doing here, Liam?" She asks, looking puzzled.

"He's our client. I just finished meeting with him," I butted in.

"Really?" Charlie glanced at me, totally surprised and proud that I got a Taylor event.

"Your mom is also our constant client for her shows," Leah recalled.

"Yeah, she's the one who recommended me here," he says. "Really? I'm flattered you're mom did," Leah says.

"If you have any concerns or you want something, don't hesitate to tell us," Charlie says.

"Actually, there is one," Cam blurted out. I glared at Cam, and he was looking at me mischievously.

"What is it, Cam?" Leah says. Charlie eyed me like, 'what-the-hell-is-going-on' look. Oh, boy. I think I'll be in trouble now.

"I wanted Chloe to be part of the planning for my event every step of the way, like going to the meetings, but she says it's not on her job description anymore," He frowns, looking disappointed. I can't believe this guy!

I glanced at Leah. She was contemplating.

"How about Chloe will help if she's not busy or she finishes some of her work?" Charlie intervened. "And Divine can put Chloe's name whenever she's available at our next meeting for the event," He added. I arch my brows. "Alright. Chloe can help," Cam grins in victory. "If only Chloe isn't busy or needed here or on her other events," Leah says.

Dammit! I hate you, Liam Cam Taylor!!

"It's settled. Thank you so much for considering it." I rolled my eyes as he glanced at me. "I'll see you around, Chloe," He winked and left my office. I clench my teeth and forcefully smiled at him.

"Let's head into my office," Leah orders.

"I think he's into you, Chlo," Charlie stated. I groaned, "Ugh, not you too," I whined. Charlie arches her brows. "Is there anyone else who has the same idea as mine?" She says. I sigh, "Divine said the same thing," I say. She chuckles.

"Don't fall for his charms, Chloe," Leah warned.

"I won't,"

"He's bad news,"

"I've heard a lot about things, and one is that he's a womanizer," She stated.

"I can see it, but thanks for the heads up," I chuckled.

"I mean it, Chloe. I don't want you to get romantically linked with Liam, especially if her mother is our biggest and longest client,"

I breathe heavily.


"Don't date him. It won't do good for you and our company." I nodded in return.

"So, let's talk now about what we are discussing a while ago," Charlie interjects.


"Earth to Chloe?"

"Ermm... What?"

"I said its destiny. The two of you are destined to be together, " Maki stated.

"I don't think so, Maki," I said. I sigh.

"Think about it, Chlo. You only rejected Cam because Leah told you not to date him. Since his mom is one of the biggest and longest clients at your company― you're working for,"

"Umm, yeah… sort of and―"

"I know, I know, and that includes your feelings about your ex. I get it, alright?" I chuckle. "Jeez, thanks for keeping up with my love life," I sarcastically say.

"You should give him a chance, though," Maki says. "I mean, he changed? He's not the womanizer we know from tabloids after he met you," I chuckled. "Does that mean you're rooting for us?"

"Hell yeah! Remember that day you avoided Cam after you rejected his proposal to be his girlfriend?" She recalled. I nod. "I can see he was really serious about you back then, Chloe" I smile faintly.