Eighteen: I Love You, Chloe.

Monday morning, my team and I are at the conference room having a regular meeting. We tackle all the preparations for the upcoming events, and that includes the JT enterprise event.

"What's the status of the JT Enterprise event?"

"Miss Chloe, we still need to finalize the food menu, and I'm waiting for Ms. Juliet's confirmation,"

"Ada, update Juliet on the menu. I need it this afternoon or first thing tomorrow morning,"

I sigh, "What else?"

"Miss Chloe, the sound system and technical production ask for a down payment before we can book them," Rem says.

"Did you ask Juliet for the down payment?"

"Ah― not yet, miss."

"Inform Juliet of the down payment. I want it today," I eyed Ada. "You're the project manager. I expect you to handle these things," I lectured.

"You don't have to wait for me to order things. If you think it's the best and fit for the event, go for it. I'm here to guide you if you have any questions or problems along the way, but I'm not going to spoon-feed all of you on what to do," I breathe heavily. "Anything else?"

"We already booked the venue and informed the hotel about the number of people we're expecting at the event." I nod, "that's good,"

"We already finish the draft for the program flow and sent it to Juliet,"

"Is the layout for the invitation approved already?"

"Yes, miss. We're just waiting for the final program flow to be put in the invitation so we can let it print and send out the invitations." Jay answered.

"Alright, don't forget to inform Juliet we need it by Wednesday morning. If you guys need to visit JT enterprise's office to make it easier, that's fine by me,"

"Anything else?"

"None, miss."

"Alright. Once you got Juliet's approval, proceed with your task, alright?"

"Yes, miss."

"Ada, if you have any questions, clarifications, or anything. Don't hesitate to ask Emily or with me,"

"I will, Miss Chloe."

"Alright, let's move on to the next event,"

We've been discussing for an hour the events we will be having for this month and making sure that there will be no mishap on the day of the event.


I was in my office reading documents when I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in,"

"Hey, are you busy?" I looked over and saw Cam getting inside my office. I arch my brows and exhale heavily.

"What are you doing here, Cam?"

"I'm here for our meeting. The one we reschedule for― don't you remember?"

I scowled.

Is he playing tricks on me?

"I brought your favorite," He showed me a box of donuts he was holding and grinning ear to ear.

Well, he prepared a peace offering. Good thinking, Cam.

"My team is headed to the JT office to have the said meeting with Juliet," I gave him a knowing look. "Now, tell me. What are you doing here, Cam?"

"Just wanna check on you," He placed the donuts in front of me.

"Good thing you brought my favorite donuts, or else my security will escort you by now,"

He chuckles.

Damn, those dimples.

"You won't do that," He says confidently.

"Try me," I challenge.

"Relax," He held his hands up in surrender. "I'm just here to ask you to be my date at the party," I arched my brows and eyed him warily.

"JT's thanksgiving party," He grinned.

"What's the point of asking me? I'll be at the party, working," I shrugged. "Yeah, for work. But I want you to be my date for that night, please?" He cooed, shining his dimples that I couldn't resist.

"If it makes you feel better, you can work and be my date at the same time, just like we always do back in Canada,"

I sigh, "If I said yes will you leave me alone? I'm busy right now, Cam. I don't need any distractions." I eyed him.

"Of course," He says.

"Alright, I'll be your date at your party,"

"Yes!" Cam's face looked ecstatic.

Since we became friends, Cam always asked me to be his date at his mom's events or any events he'll be attending. Some thought we're a thing, but really, we're just friends.

"I'll pick you up?" He asked happily.

"Sure," I chuckled.

"I'll see you around, Chloe." He moved closer to me, gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, and left me flabbergast in my office.

What the hell was that? Did he just steal a kiss from me? Sneaky bastard!

I shake my head and grinning ear to ear at the thought of Cam being consistently sweet at me.

What?! O.O

Days went by in a blur as we're busy preparing and organizing upcoming events. I haven't seen much of my friends nor my family lately.

All of my coworkers back in Canada knew I'm a workaholic once I set my eyes on a project. I tend to forget to have a social life outside, and I only have time for myself when I get home to my place and sleep. Sometimes Cam or Maki have to drag me out of my office to have dinner with me, and Cam invites me as his date to an event, or he'll bring me to our secret place for me to breathe.


It's Saturday evening. I was watching The Originals on Netflix alone while Maki's working late in the hospital. I felt my phone vibrated, indicating I have a new message.

I practice not to answer messages or calls from work during weekends to have a 'me time' without stressing about work. Cam and Maki made me do it, and it's been a year since I started doing it myself.

Thank god, it's not my work phone. Instead, I got a new message from my personal phone.

Maki and her parents, Cam and his family, and my family only knew my personal phone number.

Do u wanna hang out at our secret place?


I haven't seen this guy for a few weeks since he had a business trip in the UK, but he'll FaceTime me whenever he gets the chance during his business trip. Unexpectedly, we became friends. Sometimes we go out and hang out if both of us aren't busy with work. Cam randomly visits my apartment or invites me to his pad to have dinner with his family around. Weird, right?

Hmmm… where are u?

― Chloe.

I continued watching The Originals after I sent a quick reply to Cam. I was watching the scene when Hayley and Klaus travel to the ancestral world and come face to face with Divina...

Buzz Buzz


The sound of my apartment doorbell startled me. I wonder who's outside my door right now. Maki's shift isn't over at this time, and I'm not expecting anyone, though.

I paused the tv and went to the door.


"Cam?" Surprised to see him at my door. "What are you doing here?"

"I texted you, but you didn't reply,"

"You did?" He shrugged.

"Can I get inside first, and we can talk afterward," He says. I nod. I open the door wide open so he can get inside my apartment and shut it after he gets inside.

"What are you watching?" Cam makes his way on the couch and sits comfortably.

"The Originals," I cross my arms and gaze at him.

"Seriously, what are you doing here, Cam?"

He sighs, "I just got back from the business trip, and I just wanna hang out with my favorite person." He pouts. "Uh-huh," I eyed warily.

"Go change something comfortable," He says.

"Where are we going?"

"To our secret place," he says.

"Alright," I went to my room, changed into my casual clothes, and wore a cardigan since it will be cold outside. I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet before I went out to my room.

"I'm ready," He nods.

Cam waited at the doorstep as I was locking the door, and we both headed towards his car.

Minutes later, we arrived at Westville view. Our secret place. Cam turned off the engine, and we got out of the car.

"Oh crap!" I exclaimed as I remembered something. Cam looked at me, looking puzzled. "What's wrong?"

I face Cam, "We forgot to bring blankets," I exhaled heavily. "It's cold out here, and it's a bad idea going here without blankets,"

He shakes his head and chuckles. "Relax, I've got it covered," Cam walks towards his trunk and opens it while I wait for him at our usual spot.

Cam appeared beside me, holding blankets and a picnic basket.

I shake my head in disbelief. "Picnic? At this night and cold weather?" I chuckled. "You kidding, right?"

"Well," He shrugs.

Oh, he wasn't kidding at all.

I helped Cam set up our blanket on the grass and sat down comfortably. "Here," He handed me another blanket to cover myself from the coldness. "Thanks, but what about you?"

"Well, we can share it," He smirked and gave me a flirty gaze.

I arched my brows, giving him a knowing look. He's chuckling and shaking his head.

"I was kidding," I slightly bumped his shoulders playfully. "I don't mind sharing my blanket with you." he scoots closer to me, and we both share the blanket.

"Give me your hand." He says.

"Huh, why?" I eyed him, looking skeptical.

"Just give me your hand." I rolled my eyes and moved my hands towards him. He held my hand and blew it, making it warm. "Your hands are cold," he says, continuing to warm my hands.

"How did you know?" I asked, looking surprised. "I just know it." He chuckles. A few minutes later, both my hands are warm, thanks to him.

He stares at our fingers, intertwines them with each other, and whispered;

"I miss you."

Why do I suddenly feel nervous? What are you doing, Cam? Oh god! Please, tell me this is not what I think it is.

My heart beats rapidly, and anxious about what he would say.

Cam looked at me intently, straight into my eyes.

"I love you, Chloe." He exhaled heavily. "The first time I saw you wasn't at the cafe, but it was my mom's fashion show. At that time, I really wanted to introduce myself, but I got scared you might find me too forward and rejected me because of what you see and hear from the tabloids about me. I hired you and your team to organize my company party, so we'll get to know each other, and you'll notice me. I playfully flirt with you just so I'll get a reaction from you. We became friends, and it changes everything. I fell in love with you more, and you even got to meet and spend time with my family," He chuckles. "I must say, they're very fond of you...and so am I."

"I love you, Chloe, and I wanted us to be more than friends,"


Knock knock

"Why are you still here?"

I looked up. Cam was standing near my table.

"Working," I continued typing important on my laptop, ignoring Cam.

"Have you eaten dinner?" He asks.

I gesture my hands to Cam to wait as I finish typing the last paragraph on my report I'm making.

I heard him chuckling in front of me.

"I'm done now. What were you saying?" I glance at him and turn off the laptop.

"Dinner… have you eaten dinner?"

My stomach rumbles.

"Ops," He chuckles.

"I guess not," I pout.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I ask Juliet, and Juliet asks Ada," I shrug.

"I was busy, and I forgot―" I checked the time on my watch, "wow! Is it past time 7?" I glance at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah, that's why I brought you dinner," He placed the paper bag on the table.

"Ugh, you're a lifesaver Cam," I grab the paper bag and open it. "Please have a seat," I offered. I take out the food containers on the paper bag,

"oh, it's my favorite. Thanks, Cam!" I cooed.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, I did."

"What? It's too much. I can't finish them all," I whine.

"You'd be surprised you can finish that, trust me," He says.

"Are you implying that I'm fat?" I scowl. He quickly drew his hand up in surrender, "I didn't say that, but you did," I rolled my eyes.

"Eat with me," I say, trying to convince him. He chuckles. "I'll stay until you finish your food,"

"Alright," I stood up and moved to the couch where both of us could sit comfortably. I took a seat, crossed my legs, and held the food container to start eating. Yes, I can cross my legs. I was wearing a white crop top and black square pants, not a skirt. He sits beside me and studies me as I ate my dinner.

"Are you sure you're not going to eat?" He shook his head.

"Alright," I continued eating my dinner silently. All of the sudden, I heard a camera click when I looked over at Cam. He's holding his phone near to my face.

"Hey! Stop that," I whine.

He laughed.

"You look cute eating your dinner. I just couldn't miss out on taking a photo of it," He grins.

"Let me see it,"


"Cam!" He cackles. Ugh, he likes to annoy me sometimes.

"No way! You're just going to delete it," He says. I place the food on the table.

"I won't. I just wanna see it," I explained.

"Fine," He says. "but I'm gonna hold my phone, you won't have to touch it,"

"Alright," He scoots closer to me so I could see the photos on his phone. Well, I have another plan. I quickly snatch his phone from his grasp and successfully get it. I stood up and ran away from him.

"Hey! You trick me," He whines.

"Yeah, I know." I laugh.

Cam's face looked amused and chuckling.

"Give it back, Chloe." He says, shaking his head.

"No, not until I see those photos," I say.

"You will, but first give it back," He says. I shook my head. "Don't wait for me to come up. You know you'll lose," He warns.

"I'll take my chances,"

I moved near to my desk and looked at the photos. Cute! "You're right, Cam. It's cute," I continued swiping until I saw an album with my name on it. I was curious and clicked on it.

Surprised― my eyes were wide open when I saw many photos of me on the album.

"Oh my god!" I look back and forth at Cam and his phone. He gazed at me, looking puzzled.

"What?" Cam asked curiously. He has no idea what I just saw.

I quickly marched towards him and confronted him about it. "Why do you have photos of me? Are you a stalker?" He chuckles.

"Ohh, you saw it,"

He was calm about it.


Did he plan it or something? Should I get worried now?

"Yeah, I did. You do have a lot of explaining to do, Liam Cam Taylor," I crossed my arms and eyed him.

"Alright, but can you give me back my phone," He gestures his hands.

I handed him his phone and sat beside him. I watch him as he looks at my photos on his phone. He was smiling, not the creepy smile but the in-love kind of smile.

He sighs, "I know it may sound ridiculous, but I love taking photos of you―"

"Yeah, I know that," He eyed me.

I roll my eyes.

"Go on,"

"As you can see, I saved it. I like taking photos of you and looking at your photos while I'm away on a business trip. It gives me the strength to work hard and do better at my work."

A blush creeps on my face, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"And it comes in handy when ladies try to flirt with me, though." Cam teased.

I shrugged.

"But seriously, you mean so much to me, Chloe. I don't want to hurt you. I'm not the womanizer you used to know. I changed when I found you and got to know you. Since then, I've been a gentleman." I want to be a better guy for you― for us,"

Cam stared at me sincerely, and his face looks like he meant every word he said.

"You know, one of your charms is a good sweet-talker," I chuckled.

Cam leans in carefully. My heart began racing as he was getting closer to me. He's so close to me that we're only inches apart. I could even feel his warm breath at me. He glances at my eyes, staring at my lips, and he whispers, "Please don't hate me for this."

Cam pressed his lips against mine, wrapped his hands around me with gentle, yet firm lips. He kissed me and cupped my face, and molded our lips together.