
Author's POV :

It was nearly 12:15am Akihiko was immersed in helping the Drama club in preparations for tonight's function. Akihiko wasn't practically part of drama club, actually he was graduating in Music and literature and the play written by him won 1st prize in the faculty, so the drama club decided to perform the play to which he agreed happily. As the writer of the play he was supervising the crew.

Akihiko :"No Emma Jie you have to bow a little more low in front of the queen.... Remember you are scared of the queen."

(*Jie means elder sister)

Emma :"Hiko firstly don't call me Jie, I'm not that old and secondly the queen is played by a junior how can I bow and show fear shouldn't it be the other way around"

Akihiko :"Jie I call you Jie because you are my senior, you are in your final semester how can I be rude and Lisa is playing the Queen as she has a stern face (turns to Lisa) no offence"

Lisa : "Thats OK, I get that a lot. Emma Jie it's just a play these characters aren't real"

Akihiko : "Oye! These are real as they come from my heart. OK! now where did I put the script of the role of The Jade Prince."

Akihiko starts rummaging through his bag to look for the script.

Akihiko :"Oh Shit! I forgot it in the car."

"What do we do now Hiko?"

Akihiko :"If I'm not wrong Yifeng would be free right now I'll call him and he will deliver the script... You guys continue practice I'll be back with the script."

Akihiko said and exited the auditorium. He immediately contacted Yifeng.

Yifeng :"What do you take me for a 24*7 free and available person, why did you forget it, I'm not coming. You should be punished for bieng irresponsible."

Akihiko :"Yifeng! I know I should be responsible. This is the last time. I promise. Please. I'll be in trouble if I don't get the script."

Yifeng :"I--"

Akihiko :"Please~~~~~Please~~~ Aren't you my sweet, lovely brother."

Yifeng :"OK ok stop it I'm gonna puke .I'll be right there. Wait for me at the parking."

Akihiko :"Thankyouthankyou thankyou. You are the best I love you. OK bye"

Akihiko said and cut the call.While on the other side Yifeng was looking at his phone.

Yifeng :"Hopless.. Unbelievable..... Ah! Akihiko I'm gonna kick your ass just wait till I reach there"

Akihiko had to run to the parking lot of buissness management faculty, as he knew Yifeng would never come to the Arts and Media faculty. He even forbidden Akihiko to go to Arts faculty's parking lot alone and Zhan never asked why. On his way there he bumped into a group of 5 students. The guy he collided with was wearing a black hoodie so Akihiko couldn't see his face.

Akihiko :"I'm sorry I was in a hurry and didn't see you guys coming."

Yeon who was standing beside Fiang spoke.

Yeon :"It's OK, Go ahead or you'll get even more late"

Akihiko took a step but a hand gripping his arm stopped him he turned his head to see the hoodie guy holding his arm still couldn't see his face.

"You don't look familiar. Who are you?"

Akihiko was taken aback but still answered.

Akihiko :"I'm from faculty of Arts and Media. I had some work here"

"What work does an Arts student have in Business faculty"

His grip on Akihiko's arm tightened. It was becoming painful but Akihiko didn't show his fear on his face.

Akihiko :"I--"

Jing Ri : "Su Yin you're scaring the little guy."

Zu Qing : "Oh come on he isn't scaring him he is just asking"

Su Yin : "What's your name!?"

Akihiko : "Huh!?"

Su Yin : "I asked WHAT'S YOUR NAME!?"

Jim Fiang : "Stop it Yin let him go."

Su Yin didn't pay attention to his friends.

Su Yin :"NAME BOY!"

Akihiko :"Ta-Ta--Tanaka Ak--Akihiko."

Su Yin :"So, Ta-Ta--Tanaka Ak--Akihiko. What are you doing here."

Su Yin mocked Akihiko.

Akihiko :"I'm Tanaka Akihiko! and I came to--"

Before Akihiko could complete his sentence a group students passed by them and due to the crowd Su Yin's grip loosened. Akihiko took the opportunity and fled away towards the parking along the crowd.

Su Yin tried to look for him but Jing Ri pulled him towards the direction of their dorm rooms as Jing Ri, Su Yin, Jim Fiang lived in the dorms. Yeon asked Fiang to move in to his place but he declined his offer saying he would move when he is willing to.

Akihiko reached the parking lot and saw that a crowd was surrounding something or someone.. Curiosity got the better of Akihiko and he squeezed through the crowd and saw a boy lying on the ground, seeing that no one was helping him Akihiko ran towards him and helped him stand up. The students gave him way. As the short guy it was quiet hard and difficult for Akihiko to support someone bigger than him. But still he supported him to the infirmary.

"Thanks! You can go. The nurse will be here soon.

Akihiko :" In that case I'll get going. Get well soon. "

Akihiko bowed and went outside.

" Too polite he couldn't be a student from our faculty "

Akihiko's phone rang.

Yifeng :" Oye Dumbhead where are you I'm waiting in the parking!"

Akihiko :" Got hung up in something. I'll be there right away"

Yifeng :"No need I delivered the script to auditorium. As I couldn't find you. Give me call when you are free I'll pick you up to go home"

Akihiko :"Really! You are the best brother. Then I'll go. Bye"

Yifeng stared at his phone.

Yifeng :"He hung up on me again... Whatever!"

Yifeng went back and Akihiko came back to the auditorium. The rehearsal was going smoothly.

Lisa : "Akihiko you look tired you should go back first and rest we will rehearse one more time and then we'll also leave."

Akihiko : "I'm fine I can--"

Emma : "Just listen to us for once OK."

Akihiko was tired so he gave in.

Akihiko : "OK you guys go back early too. OK bye guys."


Akihiko took his phone out and saw a message by Yifeng.


Akihiko smiled seeing the msg his cousin truly care for him. He texted his Shijie and after 10 min the driver came to pick him. But he didn't knew someone was watching him. Akihiko went back home to rest.


Shen really hated that he had to waste his time to teach the boy a lesson in the parking but he couldn't give the gesture that you can just walk away after messing with Wang Shen. He came back home, his brother was sitting in the Main lounge. His brother saw him coming.

Lian :"Shen how did you came so early"

Shen :"Lian Ge! Uni is arranging a party tonight for semester ending so got off early. Ge, can you arrange my clothes I wanna rest."

(*Ge means big brother)

Shen said while going upstairs.

Lian :"That sounds fun.... Hmm I'll get you clothes."

Shen stopped in his track.

Shen :"Ge do you wanna come.?"

Lian :"Can I?"

Shen :"I'm allowed to take one person with me. So I was thinking if you are free...."

Lian :"Ofcours I wanna come. Count me in"

Lian showed him a thumbs up. Lian felt that Shen was a bit different. Shen was quiet open to his brother but today he was giving a warm vibe.


The preparations has ended it was just a matter of time when fates of two people are gonna change.