The Disaster

Inner thoughts will be in '....'

For Example :

'I'm really tired' - Name of the person who's thinking.

Author's POV :

Akihiko got ready for the party. He wore a simple white shirt with black pants. As, he was the writer of the play that was bieng performed so for the cosplay or Masquerade dress he was going to change it in Uni, as Yifeng was going to bring his clothes from the studio, his outfit was custom made . It was the costume of a general of Qing Dynasty.

He wore a pendant. He came out of his room, down the stairs. Anjie was standing near the door explaining something to the driver he went close, now he could hear what she was saying.

Akihiko's POV :

Anjie :"Drop him to business faculty parking if they won't allow you to enter. Ok and if--"

Akihiko :"Shijie! I'll get late if he'll drop me there. Just this once let him drop me to my own faculty."

Anjie :"Ah My sugar pie! You know Yifeng won't agree."

My Shijie loves to call me by nicknames and because of this Yifeng teases me but I like it.

Akihiko :"Just this once please ~~~~"

Anjie :"Tanaka Akihiko!"

I'm done. She will call me like this when she is trying to tell me that no matter what I do she won't agree.

Akihiko :"Ok *sigh* Shijie!"

She turned to the driver.

Anjie :"Don't listen to him whatever he says, if Yifeng gets to know you dropped him at his faculty, even I won't be able to save you"

Akihiko :"Stop it, Shijie you are scaring him."

Anjie :"Now you should go or you'll get late."

I turned to walk away.

Anjie :"Wait, Hiko turn around let me see you properly."

I turned around

Anjie :"Aww! So Beautiful"

Akihiko :"Shijie~~~ I'm a boy I'm handsome not beautiful"

Anjie :"Yes! Yes! You are handsome too now get going"

I waved at her and got in the car. We arrived at University after about 25 min. I asked the driver to stop the car in front of my faculty.

"Shaoye! Master Yifeng will kill me. Please have mercy on me."

(*Shaoye=Young Master)

Akihiko :"OK ok just drive faster."

He nodded.

'I'm surrounded by overprotective people*Sigh*' - Akihiko

"We have reached"

Akihiko :"Goodbye"

I jumped out of the car there were students in different dresses everywhere. Some were wearing Spider man and I saw Harry Potter too.

'Huh!?' 'isn't it supposed to be a historical Masquerade party. Whatever no one can stop students from doing what they want. If they are saying Spider man and Harry Potter are historical then they are' I thought

Akihiko :"Oh shoot! I'm gonna get late."

I ran towards the auditorium I entered the Arts faculty and bumped into someone this is already twice today. I fell on my butt and hissed due to pain.

Akihiko :"I'm sorry I'm sorry I wasn't looking I'm so--"

I raised my head and 'Oh Fish!' he is the same person from this morning.

Su Yin :" Do you even Look ahead while walking."

Akihiko :" I--"

I started to say but stopped when he grabbed me by my arm and forced me to stand up' Now that was harsh'.

Even after I stood up he didn't let go of my arm.

My phone rang and I jerked my arm away from his grip.

Akihiko :" Lisa I'm on my way"

I started walking while talking on the phone.

Su Yin :"We'll meet again. Soon"

I heard that person saying I turned around but he was gone. 'Weirdo!'

Lisa :"Hiko? are you listening? "

Lisa spoke from the other side of the phone.

Akihiko :"Ah-Sorry I didn't catch, what did you say? L"

Lisa :"I'm explaining to you that here a DISASTER has occurred and you aren't even paying attention. Forget it just come here ASAP"

Akihiko :"OK ok I'll be right there"

I ran to the auditorium. Lisa was standing in front of the auditorium and was walking back and forth looking anxious. She saw me and ran towards me.

Akihiko :"Lisa! Wha--"

Before I could say anything she grabbed me by my wrist and started dragging me into the auditorium.

Akihiko :"Lisa! What happened, why are you looking so worried"

Lisa :"Not now Hiko, we need to get inside"

I was hella confused but didn't protest, we entered backstage where  Mike was standing. Mike is the one who is directing this play He's Third year student in Media Faculty.

Akihiko :"Mike what happened?"

He turned me around three times then said

Mike :"Perfect, we are just gonna need some makeup and I guess the dress won't be a problem. Let's move!"

I can't take this anymore.

Akihiko :"Is someone going to tell me what is going on? If not, I'm not going to move from here"

He turned to Lisa.

Mike :"You didn't tell him!"

Lisa :"I didn't get the time to--"

Mike :"What the.... Whatever. Go and explain it to him. Quick. We have no time to waste"

Lisa :"Come with me Hiko"

Lisa said and we started walking towards the costume /dressing room.

In Dressing room :

Akihiko :"WHAT!!!"

Lisa :"Please Hiko try to understand, we don't have a choice"

Akihiko :"No no no! You are telling me that during rehearsal Emma Jie got injured and sprained her foot. So I have to play the princess. Like seriously. How come I am bieng informed right now"

Lisa :"Hiko a panic situation had happened and we had to leave for the hospital immediately, she fell off the stairs. So we didn't had the time to tell you"

Akihiko :"It doesn't matter even if I had known it beforehand, I would have never agreed to it and from which angle do I look like a princess"

Lisa :"Really! Come on! you will look like a princess with a slight touch of make up and that dress."

Akihiko :"But why me!? You can ask any of the girls from the drama club, they'll be dying to get this role"

Lisa :"Akihiko how are they supposed to memorize the script now"

Akihiko :"And why do you think that I'll be able --"

'Shit! Now I understand realization hit hard' I thought

Lisa :"You don't need to, you wrote it, not only the script even the dialogues"

Akihiko :"*Big Sigh* Alright do whatever you want to do"

Lisa :"That's like a good princess"


Lisa :"Alright Alright let's get you ready. We are already running late"

Akihiko :"Wait, what about the part where I had to come on the stage as the writer of this play"

Lisa :"Oh! That Mike ordered me to just display your pictures and name you won't have to come on the stage"

'What! that's sad 😔' - Akihiko.

Lisa :"Aya! Don't make that face we have arranged a fan meeting tomorrow because you'll be having a lot of fans."

She nudged me playfully and we started to get ready she went to get the makeup artist and I sat on a stool. I'm having a weird feeling that someone is watching me. It started since I entered the auditorium. And it is getting stronger. I felt chills and goosebumps. My pendant was irritating me it felt itchy. While I was scratching my neck, I saw someone's shadow behind the closet. My eyes widened.

It was scary but I encouraged myself and stood up from the stool. Just before I was going to see behind the closet. The door opened and Lisa came with a girl and my worst nightmare started
