Masquerade Ball (2)

Author's POV :

                            Yifeng dragged Akihiko to the entrance but surprisingly all the students were waiting at the entrance. Nobody was going inside.


Seeing so many people Akihiko felt suffocated. He got more closer to Yifeng. Yifeng asked a student.

Yifeng :"Why isn't anyone going inside!?"

"They won't let us. They said we have to wait here till the teachers come."

Yifeng :"Oh!"

A few minutes passed. Teachers came along with the graduated students which were invited. Yifeng was one of them. Akihiko had asked his Shijie to come along, as you were allowed to bring one person. The invitation passes were send on their phones, the invitations of current students and former students were different. They didn't knew why though. It was a digital card, so you could write your and your friends name on it.

One of the seniors who was one of the organisers of the function stood infront of everyone.

Senior : Aa! Aa! 1..2..3...Mic testing. Attention everyone. All of you must be wondering why you are not allowed in. Actually, there two categories for the Masquerade Ball. No. 1 current student's category. No. 2 The former students and teacher's category. It was done so students could enjoy without hesitation. Now please open your invitation cards and proceed to the entrance. Enjoy everyone. Thank you. "


Akihiko held Yifeng tightly and shook his head.

Yifeng :" Hiko! Calm down. I'm not leaving you alone. Ok"

But Akihiko wasn't satisfied.

Suddenly someone from behind them yelled Yifeng's name and jumping on him as he wasn't wearing his mask yet, separating him and Akihiko.

"Feng Di!!! "

(Di=younger brother)

Yifeng stumbled but he was able to keep his balance. He turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Lee Shixiong! "

(*Shixiong =Senior male)

Lian :"Aya! Feng Di Call me Lian Ge."

Yifeng :"Lian Ge! What are you doing here?"

Lian :"My brother asked me to come along"

Yifeng :"Oh! Your brother.... Brot--Brother--Hik... Hiko"

Yifeng panicked not seeing Akihiko. He was going to run when Lian held him

Yifeng :"Wha--"

Lian was pointing to a direction. Not far away Akihiko was standing clinging onto someone's arm, as if his life depends on that person and was hiding behind that person. Lian dragged Yifeng by his wrist towards Akihiko. Yifeng was looking at his hand which was in the hold of his senior. As soon as Akihiko saw Yifeng he ran towards him threw himself on Yifeng. Yifeng caught him securely in his arms.

Akihiko :"Yi--Yifeng!!"

The boy with whom Akihiko was  clinging frowned and Yifeng noticed it.

Yifeng :"Its OK. I'm here"

Akihiko :"Hmm!"

Yifeng :"What happened!?"

Akihiko :"When that GeGe jumped on you--"

(A small flashback)

"Feng Di!!! "

Akihiko stumbled a bit but steadied himself. A group of students dragged him with them. He was panicking and was tearing up, his eyes all watery.

Akihiko :"Yi--Yi--Help!"

A hand held his arm and dragged him out of the crowd.

"Are you alright!?"

Akihiko didn't look up, the first thing he saw was a hand holding his arm. Without much thought, he held the arm and cling onto his saviour's arm, like his life depends on it. Shen didn't expected the girl he helped to give  this kind of a reaction but he couldn't get himself to push the girl who was looking at the ground trembling and he couldn't see her face. The girl slid behind him trying to hide from everyone.

Shen :"It's alright. Nobody's gonna hurt you. You can let go, I won't run away"

Akihiko's hold tightened and he shook his head.

'*Sigh* What should I do now, I can't just push her and leave' - Shen.

Shen :"Are you lost?"

Akihiko :"I--I'm not l-lost"

Shen :"Then wha--"

Before Shen could finish. Akihiko got off of him and ran away.

Shen :"Hey!"

Akihiko jumped on Yifeng.

Akihiko :"Yi--Yifeng!!"

Shen felt empty 'Was he missing the clingy girl. Impossible! '

This thought resulted in the formation of the frown.

(Flashback end.....)

Akihiko hit Yifeng.

Akihiko :"You said you won't leave me!"

Yifeng :"I--Hiko--I--"

Akihiko :"Forget it! Who is HE!?"

Akihiko asked pointing at Lian. He had seen Lian holding his brother's hand.

Yifeng :"Ah!? He. Come let me introduce you to him"

"Hmm!" Akihiko nodded.

He held Akihiko's hand and walked towards Lian and Shen who were standing at a distance giving them space.

Yifeng :"Meet my senior--"

Lian :"Just by one year!" Lian said putting his arm around Shen's shoulder casually.

Yifeng :"Yeah! Yeah! Only by one year. And this is--"

Lian :"I never thought you'd get a beautiful girlfriend! Even if she's wearing a mask one can tell she is beautiful."

Both Yifeng and Akihiko's eyes went wide and a few moments later they both burst into laughter. Even if Akihiko had to behave girly and sophisticated , he couldn't stop laughing. Nobody noticed the frown on Shen's face.

Lian :" What's so funny"

Yifeng :"No! Not my girlfriend. My bro--"

Yifeng stopped midway.

Lian :"Brooo...."

Lian raised his brow.

Yifeng :"My Bro--Brother's f--friend. Yeah! My brother's friend. He couldn't come so she came to attend the function"

Lian :"Oh! But what was so funny.... Whatever. Nice to meet you Xiaojie"

(*Xiaojie =Miss)

Akihiko : "Nice to meet you too"

Yifeng : "By the way. Who is he?"

Yifeng couldn't recognise Shen as he was wearing a mask as well whereas Lian wasn't.

Lian : "You Are really forgetful aren't you. He is my Little brother Shen. Don't you remember he was in the basketball team!"

Yifeng :"Oh! I remember. How are you Shen!"

Shen : "Fine!"

Lian : "And What's your name!?"

Lian asked Akihiko

Akihiko :"Tanaka Aki--"

Yifeng :"Akia!!. Yes, Akia!"

(A/N : I don't know if Akia is a girl's name or not but this was the only name that came into my mind)

Akihiko put his hand on his mouth, as he realised that he was about to blow his cover. Yifeng stared at him with an expression 'Seriously!'

Akihiko :"Yes! I'm Tanaka Akia"

Lian :"But I remember you called someone Akihiko when you panicked"

Yifeng :"It's a nickname"

Lian :"But isn't Akihiko a boy's name"

Yifeng :"Aya! Lian Ge it's just a nickname. Why care so much?. Let's go inside"

Yifeng said holding Akihiko's hand and was about to march away when once again Lian held his hand stopping him. Another chill went through Yifeng. He turned around.

Liam : "They won't allow us in there. I already tried. That ball room is for the current students and their partners."

Yifeng :"But I can't leave Akihi--I mean Akia alone. She doesn't know anything about the uni or even the way home. If something happens. You know she came to China 2 days ago from USA"

Akihiko looked at Yifeng who was fluently lying if he didn't knew the truth even he would have believed his brother.

Lian :"No problem. Shen can accompany her. Right Shen?"

Saying this Lian snatched Zhan's hand from Yifeng's grip and placing it on Shen's hand.

Shen :"I don't mind. If she doesn't"

Lian :"Ofcours, she won't. You should be happy having such a beautiful lady to be your partner."

Lian winked at Shen . Shen knew his brother was trying to play matchmaker and he wanted to face-palm himself because his brother was bieng too obvious.

Yifeng stepped infront of Akihiko.

Yifeng :"Will you be OK, you are not on your own. Stay beside Shen, he's a good guy. Hmm!"

Akihiko turned his head in Shen's direction and Shen was looking away still holding his hand. His ears slightly pink.

Lian :"Ayo! She'll be fine. Stop acting like a mom. Let's go"

Before Akihiko could respond Lian dragged Yifeng away. Akihiko unconsciously moved towards them but halted when the grip on his hand tightened. He looked at Shen.

Shen :"You'll get lost. You are my responsibility. Let's go."

Akihiko nodded his head. They both entered the ball room hand in hand.

At the door invitations and there names were asked.

Shen :"Lee Shen. Business faculty. 2nd year."

Akihiko :"Tanaka Aki--"

Yibo :"Tanaka Akiya. She's a guest."

"Miss, May I see your invitation."

Akihiko :"Yes, sure"

Akihiko said and opened his phone and gave it for the senior to see.

"Tanaka Akihiko . 1st year. Uh--Umm-- Miss your name isn't written here."

Akihiko :"Sorry, I forgot to put it"

"But you can't put it without student ID password."

Shen was watching standing beside Akihiko.

Akihiko :"I know the password. Ah! Akihiko told me, incase he doesn't come."

"Akihiko? Tanaka Akihiko? The one that wrote the play, Right"

Akihiko :"Y--Yes!"

"I loved it, the play was so touching. Could you tell him that I really liked it"

Akihiko :"Ah! Ofcours, Why not"

'Gosh! It feels so weird, talking about yourself. Aish. How did I get myself into this mess' Akihiko's trail of thoughts went back to what happened at the parking. He shivered slightly. 'Don't think about it. Don't think. Don't think.'

Shen who saw Akihiko's uneasiness went ahead and held Akihiko's hand once again.

Akihiko's train of thoughts broke down. He looked at his hands and then towards Shen.

Shen :"We're getting late. Bye"

Shen said and dragged Akihiko inside.

' I'm bieng dragged by everyone today. First that guy-- Aya Akihiko why do you keep reminding yourself'  Akihiko thought and hit himself on his head.

Shen found it quite amusing.

Shen :"What is it, why did you hit your head!?"

Akihiko :"Ah! It's nothing. Just--forget it. Let's go"

{Ball Room ( current students)}

The lights were showering everywhere. It was quiet dark, so nobody recognised who just entered. Akihiko moved closer to Shen . He felt safe beside the other. And Shen placed his hand on the latter's arm near the shoulder, as he didn't wanted to make everything awkward by placing it on Akia's waist. Thinking about waist Shen's eyes moved towards Akia's waist but he refrained himself, thinking he would be considered as a pervert.

[At Yifeng § Lian's side]

They showed thier invitations and pass the door. Yifeng kept lookin back. Lian pulled Yifeng's wrist. Yifeng turned to see him.

Lian :"She'll be OK. Trust Shen."

Yifeng :"But--"

Lian :"Let's go. Let them enjoy and let us enjoy too."

He said and dragged him to the ball room.