Chosen Couple and Dance

Author's POV :

When they entered the Masquerade Ball Room, Shen took off his mask. This was the first time Akihiko was able to clearly see the face of the person he was clinging onto . He was mesmerised by the looks of the boy. He was staring at him, noticing every details of the features of the person next to him. His eyes beautiful, though cold as ice. His nose. His cheeks didn't have high cheekbones, yet were cute in there own way, Akihiko wanted to pinch those cheeks so badly but refrained himself to do so. Before his eyes could fall on the lips he heard Shen's voice which snapped him out of his thoughts. He blushed at his own thoughts.

Shen :"My friends won't be able to recognise me with the mask on."

Akihiko :"Oh! Hmm"

'What were you thinking Akihiko, idiot' - Akihiko.

Not much time passed by and a group of boys came to them. 'I have seen them before... Where!?' Akihiko thought.

Fiang :"Shen! Did you find Lian Ge!"

Shen :"Yeah, he is in the ball room besides this one."

Fiang :"Oh!"

All this time Yeon was looking at the girl standing next to his best friend but Jung Ri was one step ahead in his observation. He was staring at their linked arms where the unfamiliar girl was clinging on to his friend, what more shocking was that his friend wasn't shrugging her off, nor he had displeased expression. He looked comfortable. 'Now that's strange, No! That's weird' He thought.

Yeon moved next to Shen when Jing and Fiang went to have a shot of drink. He nudged Shen's arm by his elbow and whispered.

Yeon :"Shen! Who is this beautiful girl!?"

Shen :"Ah! She is my friend"

Shen bieng Shen, didn't wanted to waste time on explaining thier relationship even if they didn't had one.

Yeon :"Oh!.... They are back." He said looking at Jing Ri and Fiang.

A girl and a boy came towards them.

Boy : "Ni shi Kim Yeon Tongxue ma!?"

(*Are you student/classmate Kim Yeon!?)

Kim Yeon : "Shi! Shi wo"

(*Yes! It's me)

Boy : "You were last years home coming prince of the year. You have to give this title to the next home coming Prince of this year."

Yeon :"Oh!.... May I ask you a question?"

The boy nodded.

Yeon :"Who's the Prince this year?"

Boy :"We did a survey and collected names from each faculty and nominated a name, you'll know it when he comes on the stage. Now if you don't mind please follow me to the stage."

Yeon turned to look at Fiang.

Fiang :"What are you looking at me for...Alright! Alright go on. I'll wait here with Shen."

Yeon :"OK! I'll be back soon. Bye"

As soon as Yeon left, Fiang intensely gazes at Akihiko. Akihiko was becoming uncomfortable with all the staring, he slid behind Shen.

Shen :"Why are you scaring her. You are engaged, remember and you have an obsessive fiancé."

Fiang :"Ah! I know! I know! You are the one who played Celles, Right?"

Shen moved aside and looked at Akihiko . 'Yeah! It's the same dress! How come I didn't notice it' Shen thought.

Akihiko :"Ah! Yes I did play it"

Fiang :"Woww~~~I'm meeting you in person. I thought it was the stage charm, but you are beautiful, really beautiful. Can you take your mask off"

Akihiko :"I think that--"

Shen :"No! can't do. She'll be uncomfortable"

They were chatting when Lisa and Mike entered the ball room and at first glance they recognised Akihiko.

They came towards Akihiko and Shen. Seeing them Akihiko loosened his grip on Shen's arm as he became relaxed. Shen felt the grip loosened and Shen looked at Akihiko and them to the direction where Akihiko was looking.

Shen :"Who are they?"

"They are my--Akihiko friends."

Lisa :"How are you now, Akih--"

Mike :"Akia! Where is Yifeng?"

Akihiko was confused as to how Mike knew but he managed to reply.

Akihiko :"He went to the ball room next to this one."

Mike :"Oh!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere Jing Ri went to Lisa held her hand and kissed it. Thank God she was wearing gloves.

Jing Ri :"Let me introduce myself, I'm Jing Ri."

Lisa had a pissed face. She was annoyed. She snatched her hand away and walked away. Jing Ri went behind her.

Mike :"That fellow has a death wish. I'm surprised he's still in one piece after what he did. She might have broke his nut head into two pieces."

Everyone laughed. Shen and Fiang started chatting. Akihiko had let go of Shen. He went to Mike who was drinking sitting on a stool.

Akihiko :" How did you know that name, Akia? "

Mike :" Oh that! "

He showed Akihiko his phone Yifeng message was displaying in which he had informed him of the name.

Akihiko :"Ah!"

Mike averted his gaze back to the drinks.

Akihiko :" Why don't you tell her!? "

Mike :" As if it matters"

Akihiko :"Why not?"

Mike :"I--I--I don't know" *sigh*

Akihiko :"You know you shouldn't run from your feelings. If you want to go you can. Maybe she is waiting for you"

Mike :"But you--"

Akihiko :"She needs you more than me!. Go ahead I'll be fine. I have Shen by my side"

Mike raised his brow.

Mike :"Oh~~ so now that you have someone by your side you want to kick me out so that I won't be a third wheel"

Akihiko :"I didn't mean... Forget it. Go to the hospital. You should accompany Emma jie or else may be no surely there'll be a third wheel in your story"

Hearing this Mike stood up. Held Akihiko's shoulders.

Mike '"OK I'll go persue my love and you enjoy your date." *wink*

Mike started walking out.

Akihiko :"HE IS NOT MY--"

Akihiko yelled but stopped midway realising what he was about to say. He was flustered and red by the other's comment.

Shen :"Who's not your what!?"

Akihiko heard Shen's voice and turned around abruptly stumbling a little. Shen held his hand to support him. Akihiko who was already flustered, blushed deeper. Shen steadied him. Shen frowned looking at him and the next moment he leaned in and inhaled Akihiko's scent and moved away. Akihiko was dumbstruck.

'What just happened? Did he just sniffed me?' - Akihiko.

Shen :"I don't smell any alcohol then why do you look flustered. Are you OK. Are you sick?"

Shen asked and tried to touch Akihiko's forehead. Akihiko moved back.

Akihiko :"No! I'm fine--Ah! Where is Fiang?"

Shen :"He went to look for the last year's homecoming Princess"

Akihiko :"Oh! Who is--"

Girl :"Miss May I know your name?"

Akihiko :"Who me!?

Girl :" Yes! "

Akihiko :" Why would you want to know my name? "

Akihiko didn't wanted to attract much attention but to his dismay, it was going in the opposite direction.

Girl :" We were asking random guys to name a girl who looked beautiful and majority nominated you, but they didn't knew your name. We have planned to make a random girl the home coming princess of this year. We will collect votes from the guys present here"

Akihiko :"I don't--"

Shen :"Tanaka Akia!"

Girl :"Thank you!.... Ah! Who do you want to nominate or vote for."

Shen :"Her!"

Shen pointed at Akihiko .

Akihiko : "Shen !"

Akihiko held Shen's hand.

Shen :"You can go now"

Girl :"Ah--OK!"

Akihiko :"I can't, you know the winner have to dance with the Prince. I can't dance with any random person."

Shen :"Trust me! I know what I'm doing"

'What am I doing? Why did I blurted her name out. I know who the Prince is but--Forget it what's done is done' Shen thought.

Akihiko nodded. He wanted to trust this person.

Shen :"Let's go near to the stage"

MC :"Now we'll announce the home coming Prince and princess of this year. Please welcome last year's Prince and Princess. Student Kim Yeon and Zu Qing."

The hall was filled with claps and shouting.

Yeon and Qing stepped on the stage togather. Yeon was holding Qing's hand but had an irritated face.

Shen looked at Fiang who was standing by the stage. They both nodded at each other.


Akihiko went to Mike. A girl came to them.

Girl :"Excuse me! You are Wang Shen right?"

Shen :"Yes!"

Girl :"You are nominated as the Prince of this year. Stand near the stage. And by any chance do you know where Miss Zu Qing is?"

Shen :"Outside"

Girl :"Can you bring her. She needs to be on stage"

Shen nodded and the girl left.

Shen :"I'll go get Qing"

Fiang :"Let me!"

Shen :"But--"

Fiang :"It's OK. Trust me."

Shen nodded. Shen went towards Akihiko . Fiang came outside.

Qing was standing outside.

Fiang :"Qing!"

Qing :"What do you want you freak--"

Fiang :"The staff called you to give your title to the next home coming princess"

Qing :"Why do--"

Fiang :"Shen will be on the stage too. Now it's your choice. I've done my work."

Fiang turned around and walked away. He didn't wanted Shen to argue with this stupid girl.

He went near the stage. And the moment his eyes fell on Yeon. He ran and hugged him tightly.

Yeon :" Aww~~~My baby missed me? "

Fiang nodded.Yeon pulled away.

Yeon :"What is it. What happened?"

Fiang :"First listen to me. OK"

... A few moments later.

Yeon :"WHAT! I can't behave good with that bitch. How could I forget she made you cry"

Fiang :"I know! But for Shen. Please. After all she is his friend"

Yeon :"Friend my ass. Humph"

Fiang :"Stop sulking like a child.I'll give you a reward if you'll be a good boy"

Yeon's eyes lit up.

Yeon :"Reward. What reward?"

Fiang :"Maybe this will answer your question"

Fiang leaned in and planted a kiss on Yeon's Cheek. Yeon's eyes widened. But he came back from the shock.

Yeon :"This isn't counted. I wasn't ready. And I want more"

Fiang :"After the party"

Then Qing came and Yeon Stood infront of Fiang protectively.

Qing :"What? I won't eat him. That's your disgusting job"

Saying this she walked pass them. Yeon turned to Fiang and Fiang gave him a smile.

Then they were called on the stage.

Yeon :"I'll come back for my reward."

Fiang :"I'll be waiting here"

(Flashback end)

Yeon and Qing stood on the stage.

MC :" The Prince of the year is. Wang Shen. Please welcome him on the stage"

Akihiko was surprised and looked at Shen . Shen looked at him and Akihiko nodded. Shen went to the stage.

MC :"As for the Princess of the year the girl who won this title is Tanaka Akia Xiaojie. Please welcome her on the stage."

Akihiko didn't knew how to react. This is completely opposite of what he wanted. He looked at Shen and Shen was standing there. He mustered up the courage and went to the stage. Shen gave him his hand and Akihiko took it. They walked to the middle of the stage. Qing was boiling seeing them hand in hand.

Everyone started whispering.

"It's her"

"She's Celles"

"She's so beautiful!"

MC :"Calm down everyone. Now the title bestowing ceremony"

Qing stood infront of Akihiko and and Yeon infront of Shen.

Yeon :"I'm so proud of you. Years of training has finally paid off. *sniff*"

Shen :"Such a drama queen. Who made you the Prince?"

Yeon :"My fans, my admirers and those who love me. Thank you"

Shen :"Shut up and proceed."

Qing :"Don't you dare lay your eyes on my Shen. What if you get to dance with him. Still he's mine."

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Qing :"I'm gonna--"

Akihiko :"Suibian! Just give me the title and we are done."


Qing placed the teara on Akihiko's head.

(*Teara=A type of crown)

As for Shen he was presented with a crown broach.

Qing put a sash on Akihiko.

Shen was presented with a royal blue tie.

MC:"Give them a big round of applause. Now we will proceed to the ball dance the finale of tonight. The first dance will be performed by Our Chosen Pair."

°Note : The lyrics of the song  in between their talk are expressing thier situation so don't miss out to read the lyrics. It will add emotions to the scene and better you can even listen to it. Enjoy.

Author's POV :

                            They got down from the stage and went to the centre of the room. The light turned off. The room engulfed in darkness then the blue spot lights turned on concentrating on the couple standing in the light

Shen had a blant face nothing expressing on his face. And Akihiko wanted to run from here not because he was scared or coward but because hundreds of eyes were watching him and he didn't even knew how to dance worst he had to dance the girl's part. 'I'm doomed'

Shen took his hand out infront of Akihiko just like a royal Prince asking a Princess for a dance.

(And that's exactly what's happening here, isn't it)

Akihiko took his hand. Akihiko took his hand back and went towards the MC and whispered something in his ear. Then he came back and held Shen's hand, (still a blant expression)

MC :"So our Princess made a request about the song and ofcours we have to fullfil it because your wish is our command"

Saying this the MC bend dramatically. And there were roars of laughter and giggles. The MC clapped his hand and instructed someone and

the music started to dance in the air. It felt like the words had there own feet and wings to flow around.

Girls vocals:

      🎼 Take my hand, take a             breath.

Akihiko really took the lyrics to his heart. He took a deep breath and held Shen's hand tightly.

    🎼 Pull me close and take    one step.

     🎼 Keep your eyes locked on mine.

Shen pulled Akihiko closer and locked his eyes on Akihiko even if he couldn't completely see him.

     🎼 And let the music be your guide.

Akihiko stepped on Shen's foot.

        🎼Now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget.

Akihiko stepped on Shen's foot. Again.

    🎼 It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you.

Stepped on the foot. Shen leaned in towards Akihiko.

Shen :"Do you have a grudge against me. Just tell me no need to kill my feet"

    🎼 Music.....

Akihiko :"I don't know how to dance."

Shen :"Ah... Then--stand on my feet"

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Shen :"Just do it"

Akihiko :"It will hurt--"

Shen :"Trust me!"

This was already twice in a day that Shen had told him to trust him and he did trust him.

    🎼 It's one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do.

Akihiko stood on Shen's feet. And Shen started to float with the music along with Akihiko . And the song gave meanings to them.

    🎼 And with every step togather we just keep on getting better. So, can I have this, can I have this dance.

Boy's vocals:

  🎼 Take my hand, I'll take the lead.

  🎼 With every turn, you'll be safe with me.

Shen held him tightly.

  🎼 Don't be afraid, afraid to fall. You know, I'll catch you through it all.

  🎼 Even a thousand miles, you can't keep us apart.

  🎼 Cause my heart is wherever you are.

Akihiko closed his eyes. He trusted the one who held him. He knew he won't let him fall. And Shen was determined to be gentle in grip but wasn't going to let the person infront of him fall.

The spotlight started to spread and filled the whole ball room. As the former Prince and Princess  Qing and Yeon entered as the second couple to dance and slowly the whole room was flowing with the music.

The step came where they had to exchange their partners. Akihiko had gotten grip on the music by now. He had stepped down from Shen's feet. With one twirl Akihiko was in Yeon's arms and Qing in Shen's . Yibo was uncomfortable but as for Akihiko he wasn't as he knew how much Yeon loved Fiang even if he had just met them once or twice.

Yeon :"He's happy today"

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Yeon :"I mean Shen is happy. He was enjoying the dance."

Akihiko :"But he wasn't smiling"

Yeon :"That's how he is. You will know him better once you become close."

Akihiko :"I suppose that's gonna be a difficult part as I'm leaving for USA in two days"

Yeon :"What!? That--"

The step of exchanging partners came again and Yeon had to let go of Akihiko . Akihiko was once again with Shen but same couldn't be said about Qing. When Yeon was about to hold Qing, his eyes fell on Fiang who was proceeding towards him. He moved aside. Qing stumbled on her feet but didn't fell. She was already annoyed as to not getting a chance with Shen and now she was being humiliated like this. She stomped on the ground and left the ball room. Yeon gave Fiang his hand which the later gladly accepted.

While dancing they came across a weird pair or the weirdest pair. Jing Ri and Lisa were dancing. All their mouths wide open except for Shen, he was surprised too but he had control over his emotions. (That's what he thought)

Lisa smiled at Akihiko and the music went on. Just like that, the night ended with fireworks and a shot of drinks cheered to all of them.


So the ships are as following if anyone is confused.

1. Wang Shen × Tanaka Akihiko.

(Status = Main couple)

2. Wang Lian × Sean Yifeng.

(Status =Second couple)

3. Kim Yeon × Jim Fiang.

(Status = Engaged)

4. Jing Ri × Lisa.

(Status = Bickering couple)
