Idiot Or Cute

Author's POV :

Yifeng and Lian sat on a corner. Yifeng still thinking about what happened earlier. Lian looking at his face. He knew that Yifeng was worried but what was bothering him.

'Idea! I know how to get him to spill what's wrong with him. In his sobber condition he's never going to tell me anything. So.....' lian thought.

Lian stood up from his seat.

Yifeng :"Where are you going?"

Lian :"I'm going to get some drinks"

Yifeng :"I don't wanna drink but let me accompany you"

Lian :"Hmm!"

(The teacher's ball room had a bar counter whereas the student's ball room didn't had one)

They both went to the bar counter. Lian ordered.

Lian :"two shots for me and my friend."

Yifeng :"No need. I told you I don't--"

Lain :"Since you have accompanied me, then you should at least drink with me and it is only one shot"

Yifeng :"OK! But be quick. I have to take Akia home."

Lian :"She's living with you."

Yifeng :"Hmm! She's a very close friend"

Lian :"Oh!"

Lian knew that Yifeng at low tolerance for alcohol. It was in the Sean's blood. The whole family had a low tolerance except for Akihiko . He had a slightly higher tolerance.

Bar tender :"Here you go sir"

Lian :"Thank you!"

Both of them gulped down the drink in one go.

Lian :"Two more!"

Yifeng didn't protest. He wanted to drink.

A few minutes later.....

The table was filled with empty glasses and Lian was looking at Yifeng who was still drinking. He placed the glass on the table and yelled.

"One more!"

Lian :"This is it, no more"

Yifeng :"But I still remember it. I wanna forget it"

Lian :"Forget what?"

Yifeng :"His miserable state, his crying face. His shivering body. His wounds."

Lian :"Who's wounds?"

Yifeng :"My baby--"

Lian was surprised and a bit sad too but the next word made him relax and happy.

Yifeng :"-- brother!"

Lian :"What happened to him?"

Yifeng :"I told him not to go there. And I know he wouldn't have gone there on his own."

Lian :"Where?"

Yifeng :"Arts faculty's parking lot"

Lian knew what happened in there, so he became worried.

Lian :"What happened to him. Who took him. Is he alright?"

Yifeng :"*sniff* he *sniff*"

Yifeng had started sobbing and tears could be seen felling on his hands as he was looking down. Then he turned to Lian and Lian was lost in the scene infront of him. Yifeng's face was red because of the alcohol and his eyes were shining because if the tears. A feeling of protection rose in Lian, he wanted to protect the person sitting infront of him.

Yifeng cleared his face with his hands and continued.

Yifeng :" After the play ended someone forcefully took him there and tried to--"

Yifeng started to cry silently. Lian stood up from his stool,went near him and embraced him.

Yifeng :"I couldn't protect him well, he was so scared. This was the first time, he didn't smile at me"

Lian :"Where is he now?"

Yifeng :"He's with Sheny!"

Lian :"Huh!.... Isn't Akia with Shen!"

Yifeng shook his head.

Yifeng :"Not Akia. Akihiko, Tanaka Akihiko"

Lian :"You Are saying Akia is Akihiko ?"

Yifeng :"Hmm!"

Lian :"Why is he wearing Cellestia's costume"

Yifeng :"Hehe! He is Cellestia. He cross dressed for the play"

Yifeng giggled. Now alcohol was showing the effects clearly.

Yifeng :"He'll be so mad I told you about him playing Celles. But who cares. I'm gonna tell everyone he'll be so pissed."

Yifeng got out of Lian's embrace stood up staggered a bit. Put both his hands around his face. Now Lian knew what was he going to do he rushed towards him.


Lian placed his hand on Yifeng's mouth making him shut his mouth at once.

Lian :"I'm sorry! He's a bit drunk.I'll take him home. Goodnight teachers. It was nice meeting you."

He dragged the protesting Yifeng out of the room. It was very difficult even if Yifeng looked weak, he was strong.

Yibo had the car keys. So he Called a taxi. Lian knew Yifeng's address but he couldn't take him home in this condition. He asked the driver to take them to the cafe near Yifeng's house. He supported Yifeng and got off the taxi after paying.

Yifeng :"I wanna see my baby Bro. He's sad"

Lian :"Yes! Yes! He's inside let's go and see your baby Bro."

Lian found Yifeng very cute. Yifeng never acted like this except for the one time he had drank alcohol by mistake on the bonfire. He had acted so cute that many girls and even boys wanted to date him and bothered him for a long time.

They went inside the cafe and settled on a table.

Yifeng :"Where is my baby Bro? I want my baby Bro."

Lian :" Your baby Bro will be here soon. But first let me call my baby Bro."

Lian had goosebumps on imagining Shen's reaction on calling him baby Bro. But he wanted to atleast see Shen's reaction for once.

He took his phone out. One hand holding the phone and the other Yifeng's arm. Shen picked up the call on the second ring.


Akihiko and Shen came out of the ball room.

Shen :"So are you living in a hotel or...."

Akihiko :"No, I'm living in Akihiko's house."

Shen :"Are you going to--"

Shen's phone vibrated in his pocket.

Shen :"Give me a min"

Akihiko nodded.

Shen :"Ge! What--"

"I want my baby."

Shen :"Ge?!"

Lian :"Ah! Shen-ah! Yifeng got drunk. Can you take Akia back home?"

Shen :"OK! But Where are you?"

Lian :"I'm at a cafe. I'll send you the address. After dropping Akia pick me."

Shen :"Ok! Bye.."

Akihiko :"What happened. Is Yifeng alright"

Shen :"Hmm. He's fine. Just a bit--"

Akihiko :"A bit what?"

Shen :"Drunk. Ge took him to a cafe as he was making a ruckus."

Akihiko :"Let's go there."

Shen :"He asked me to drop you"

Akihiko :"No! I know how to make him sober. Let's go"

Shen :"OK"

They went to the parking but Akihiko stopped midway. Shen turned to look what happened.

Shen :"What happened?"

Akihiko :"Ah--I--I'm tired of too much dancing. I can't take a step further. Can you bring the car here. I'll wait here"

Shen :"But will you be alright, here alone."

Akihiko :"I'll be fine. Go ahead."

Shen went to get his car.

Akihiko was standing there waiting for Shen, when he sensed that someone was standing behind him. He turned and gasped. There really was someone standing right behind him. He tried to move away. But that guy held his arm.

"This isn't over yet"

Akihiko :"Who a--are y--you? "

He stepped away and started walking away as if nothing happened.

Akihiko :"H-Hey!... He knew it was me... But why did he let me go, this easily?... Who is he?"

Shen :"Who was that?"

Akihiko flinched when a sudden voice came from behind him. He turned to see Shen, standing infront of his car. 'He left because of Shen. Thank God'

Akihiko :"Ah! no--nobody he w--was as--asking f--or d--directions" 'Aya! Stop stuttering'

Shen :"Are you alright?"

Akihiko :"Yes! Let's go."

Shen :"Hmm!"

'We entered the car. It was really hard to maintain a stable expression. Maybe I should close my eyes.' - Akihiko.

Shen looked out of the window the night was beautiful and calm like Akihiko, unlike him who was so puzzled right now. Shen didn't knew that Akihiko was a bigger mess than him right now, only if he could have seen under the mask that Akihiko was wearing.

Shen drived the car out of the Uni and was on his way to the cafe where his brother and Yifeng were. He turned his head to look at a calm face. He thought it weird that the girl still had her mask on. He averted his gaze back to the road. They reached the cafe. Shen parked the car. Unbuckled his seat belt and turned to wake Akihiko up. He leaned towards Akihiko.

'I thought I was seeing wrong but now that I look at her carefully there is a bruise near her lips' - Shen

Shen was looking at Akihiko carefully, he didn't realise he was too close to her. Akihiko stirred in his sleep. Shen abruptly moved away and sat straight on his seat .His face flushed.

'What the hell' - Shen.

Again Shen looked at Akihiko, this time it was his hand. It was covered with the long sleeve of the dress. He moved the dress and now could see Akihiko's wrist.

Shen :"Handprint!"

He didn't knew he had said it out loud. Akihiko opened his eyes and saw a frowning Shen holding his hand.

Akihiko :"We have arrived?"

Shen took his hand back and looked at Akihiko.

Shen :"Ah! Yes. Let's go inside"

Shen got out of the car and so did Akihiko. It was nearly midnight but still there were many people around and seeing a girl in such clothes and boy with the clothes of a prince many started staring at them. Shen held Akihiko's hand carefully, as to not hurt the wrist wound. They entered the cafe and welcomed with a quite surprising scene.

Yifeng was trying to get up from the seat and looked angry and his face was red showing that he was too drunk, whereas Lian was holding him from his waist.

Lian :"Calm down! He'll be punished. First sit down."

Yifeng :"Let me go *hiccup* I'm gonna kill that basturd.*hiccup*. He dared to touch him*hiccup *. Let go"

Akihiko :"SEAN YIFENG!!"

Akihiko shouted and went close to Yifeng.

Yifeng :"Huh? Who are you? I'm not in the mood of playing. Go aw--"

Akihiko took a glass of cold water from the table and splashed the water on Yifeng's face. Lian and Shen were shocked and Yifeng had wide eyes because of the shock. He was panting because of the icy cold water.

Yifeng :" Huff huff huff... You--"

He concentrated on who was standing infront of him and recognised Akihiko but he was still not sobber enough to act properly. He jumped on Akihiko and hugged him.

Yifeng :"My baby Bro. I'm sorry. GeGe is sorry. Forgive me."

Akihiko had an annoyed face, as if he wanted to hit this not so big brother but softened when felt Yifeng's tears. Akihiko patted his back.

Akihiko :"It's alright!"

They sat down Shen sat beside Lian and Yifeng with Akihiko . It would be wrong to say that he was sitting beside Akihiko, in fact he was clinging on Akihiko .

Akihiko :"Yifeng! I am not going to run away. Calm down."

Yifeng :"No! My baby bro"

Akihiko looked at Shen . Shen was looking at him with a frown.

Akihiko :"Ah-- When he's drunk he thinks I'm his brother. I don't know why."

Shen relaxed a bit. His this confusion was cleared. But still he still has many left but didn't want to be bothersome.

Lian :"Let us drop you two home. Yifeng's car is still at campus."

Akihiko :"It would very kind of you"

Lian :"No need to be polite. He's my friend."

Shen went to get the car while Akihiko and Lian were supporting Yifeng standing infront of the cafe.

Yifeng :"I'll protect you. Nobody will touch you again"

Akihiko looked at Yifeng and sighed. Lian was observing him.

Yifeng :"I'm sorry Hiko!. I love you my baby Bro"

Akihiko :"Idiot!"

Lian :"Cute!"

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Lian :"He is cute."

Akihiko :"If I have to choose between idiot or cute, I'll choose idiot."

Lian :"He's the idiot type of cute"

They both laughed. Shen stopped the car infront of them. They hoped on and on to the road. Yifeng slept on Akihiko's shoulder on the way. Shen will occasionally look at Akihiko, from the rare view mirror. Lian was looking at Shen and sometimes the sleeping Yifeng.

'You will have the biggest shock of your life!' Lian thought and smiled.

Shen :"We've reached"

Akihiko woke Yifeng up. He was quite sober now. He apologised to the Wang brothers to which Lian replied.

Lian :"How about an apology lunch. You should apologise properly to your senior."

Yifeng :"OK! Lian Ge. I'll call you"

And they went to their own home. Akihiko and Yifeng entered the porch. The gaurds were looking at them weirdly. The guard near the main door greeted them.

"Welcome home Shoa ye and Shao jie."

(Shao ye = young master,

Shao jie = Miss)

Akihiko :"Shao jie.."

Akihiko whispered to himself and then looked at his dress. He was still in the dress.

Akihiko :"Aaaa!"

Yifeng ran to him and covered his mouth.

Yifeng :"You'll wake Shijie up, Shao jie... Phhh.. Haha"

*Smack on the head*

Yifeng :"Ouch! Why hit me?"

Akihiko :"It's all your fault. If Shijie sees me like this how are we going to explain it."

Yifeng :"It's OK. Shijie goes to sleep early. Let's go inside or the gaurds will think we are having a couple's fight"

They went inside without making any noise. From wherever they passed the lights turned on and when had passed they turn off as they had sensors.

They went to thier separate rooms. Akihiko didn't change his dress. He was too tired. He fell on the bed and slept off, Whereas Yifeng went for a Shower.

The clock struck 12:00 and the day was finally over.
